About Me

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Regina's POV
Today has dragged on. I woke up early like I normally do. I went for a run. I showered and then I ate breakfast. I finished the book that I was reading a couple hours ago and I just woke up from a nap about 10 minutes ago. I haven't moved from my place on the couch yet. It's only 3pm. I still have a few hours before Emma picks me up for our date. It will only take me an hour max to get ready. So, in about an hour I'll get ready.

I wonder what Emma has been doing all day. I'm sure her day has been nothing like mine. At least she has Henry to keep her busy. Being alone all of the time was nice at first and now I'm just that, alone.

I was hoping Belle and I could become friends but since we had dinner the other night I'm not sure if we can do that. I don't have many friends from High School that I still talk to. The only one is really Robin. He's a nice guy but he actually got married and had a little boy not long after we graduated. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He just seems to have his life going already.

Now that I've got my career going and I've moved out on my own, I'm hoping I can do the same as Robin. I'm still young though. I've always been envious of older people who've got families. My relationship with my family was so off from what a real family should be that I think I need something of my own to fix that. But I'm still young. I'm not going to rush it.

I looked at my phone to see its still only 315. I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels. I found an old movie and left it on. After a few minutes I felt tired again. I set an alarm on my cell phone and fell asleep.

I didn't wake up to my alarm but someone knocking on the door. I didn't even check the time when I got up to answer the door. I was surprised to open it and see my date standing there.

"Emma" I said. "Hey, did you forget about our date or something?" She laughed. "No! I fell asleep and I guess I didn't set my alarm right or something." Why did I even go back to sleep? "Come in. I'll get ready really quick." I moved to the side so she could walk passed me. I checked her out as she did. She looked amazing. She was wear black pants with a button down shirt and a skinny black tie. "You look beautiful Emma. Go ahead and sit down. I will be quick. I promise." I smiled. All she said was okay but she was blushing. I'm assuming from the compliment.

I went into my room and pulled a black cocktail dress out of my closet. I slipped it on quickly. I went to the bathroom. I combed my hair and put on a small amount of makeup. I topped it off with some red lipstick. I ran back to my room shouting almost ready as I did. I grabbed a pair of red heals and my purse. I looked in my full length mirror. 'Not bad for getting ready in 15 minutes' I thought. I shut the light off and walked back out into the living room.

"Woah Regina. You look gorgeous." Emma said. I smiled. "Thank you." "Are you ready?" She asked. "Yep. Where are we going?" I asked grabbing my jacket. "It's a surprise." She smiled. "Okay." I answered.

We walked out of the door and to her car, an old yellow bug. If I'm being honest, I found the car hideous but I actually couldn't imagine her driving another car. She opened my door and smiled. I got inside, she closed the door and then walked quickly to the drivers side.

We were driving for about a half an hour, making small talk before we pulled up to a small cafe. I looked at Emma and raised an eye brow. "It's nicer then it looks. I swear." She laughed. "I love it." I said back. I reached for the handle but she told me no. She got out and opened the door for me again. "And they say chivalry is dead." I smiled at her. "I know how to treat a lady." She said and I chuckled.

We walked up to the cafe and it was really beautiful. It had Christmas lights around the outside and a little patio in the front. There was jazz music playing quietly. There was only two couples inside. Emma opened the door for me and I mouthed thank you with a smile. "Table for two?" An older gentleman asked. "Yes. Can we have the booth in the back corner?" Emma asked and smiled wide. "Right this way." The man gestured. We both followed him and my eyes wandered the restaurant. It was so beautiful.

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