New Case

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Regina's POV
Today is Tuesday October 30. I've been assigned to review a case for a girl who has just turned 18. It's strange because all of my cases are much younger than that. The thing with this case is that this girl has been in the system her entire life and has never been adopted. She has been in the same home for the last 4 years but for some reason they decided to only be her foster parents. The reason I'm even assigned to this case is because since this girl is now 18 she will be out of the system. But she has a three year old son. It is my job to ensure that this girl is suitable to take care of this little boy on her own. I've only just started working for CPS. This is a big case but they couldn't give it to someone who is biased from having worked with the girl already.

I have spent the last few days really going over this case since today is the day I'm doing the home visit. This is my first big case and its a big accomplishment considering I am only 21, the youngest in my department.

I pull up in my black Mercedes in front of a small apartment building. It's cute. It's not upscale and it looks like somewhere my mother would hate. I get out of my car and walk into the building and into the elevator. I take it up to the 3rd floor and knock on the door with the gold 3C on the front. My mouth went dry and my breathing momentarily stopped when the most beautiful girl I've ever seen opened the door.

Emma's POV
I've been preparing for this day for the last week. I knew it was coming eventually. When I got a phone call yesterday telling me that Henry's case worker would be coming in the morning, I spent all day and this morning preparing to make sure everything was okay.

We just moved into our apartment yesterday and it's been a week since I turned 18. I've spent the last few months getting things ready to move into our apartment but it still needs some work.

Right now, Henry and I both have beds but my mattress rests on the floor because I don't have a box spring or bed set. We also need a dining room table and some small supplies for the kitchen. Our living room is a small love seat and a little brown coffee table. Mary Margret and David were nice enough to give those to us as a going away present.

Yesterday was a long day. Most of the moving was done just by me. Packing at the Nolan's was easier because they did help me. But they both had to work yesterday so they couldn't help. Ruby did come to help me a little but she also had to work. Watching Henry and moving things from the moving van into the apartment was a struggle. It took some time but I did get everything situated.

Now I'm sitting on the couch waiting for the social worker to get here. When they called they said someone would be here around 930am. It's now 915 am. I was so nervous that I was up most of the night and Henry didn't go to sleep until late and he is still asleep now. I got out of bed at 8 so that I could shower and make sure the apartment looked presentable. I've been sitting on the couch for 15 minutes but it feels like it's been an hour at least. It's 925 and I hear a light knock on the door.

I wipe my hands on my jeans and turn the knob. I feel frozen when I see a very young beautiful brunette standing on the other side of the doorway.

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