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A/N: Happy Once day everyone. Hopefully it gets better this half of the season! I'm going to update early in honor of the premier of 5B tonight. Hope you enjoy (:

Regina's POV

As my mother walked past me into my home my eyes wandered around the room looking for a familiar pair. Emma was shocked but she greeted them. She made her way over to me quickly.

"Regina, what's going on?" She asked. "I swear I have no idea. She showed up with Zelena. She said she wanted to see her grandson." At this Emma tensed up. I grabbed her shoulders. "Don't worry. I told her if she tries anything she's out okay? I don't think she'll do anything to ruin a kids birthday party." I tried to reassure her. "Okay." Emma said stepping away from me and back to the party.

Zelena came up to me next. "Hey sis." She tried to hug me but I didn't hug back. "What the hell Zelena? I told you that I didn't want to talk with her. Why would you bring her?" I questioned. "I don't know. She said something about meeting her grandson and that got to me. I'm sorry if I made you mad. You know how convincing she can be." She answered genuinely. "She better not start anything." I said glancing in her direction.

I walked away from Zelena and went outside to stand next to Emma. I slid my arm on her shoulder and she slid her's around my waist. We stood like that in conversation with Mary Margret and Ruby. But my eyes kept finding my mother. I'd seen her glance our way a couple of times but for the most part she seemed actually interested in Henry. I didn't want it to but it kind of warmed my heart. I leaned into Emma's ear. "I think I'm gonna go talk to her." She looked at me with concern. "Do you want me to come?" She asked. I just shook my head and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Hello darling." My mother said to me when she saw me approaching. She was playing with Henry and Roland. Henry ran up to me once I sat in a chair across from my mother and sat in my lap. "Hi bud. How's your birthday so far?" I asked. "It's great! Is this really my grandmother?" He asked me. I looked up and saw my mother. "How about we just stick to Cora for now?" She said. He nodded and hopped down.

"Mother. I don't understand this. You haven't had any interest in Henry. You don't want me to be in this relationship. What is your agenda here?" I looked at her face for any sign of emotion but as always she remained emotionless. "Regina. Don't you think it's possible for people to change? You are my daughter. I know that I haven't always been the best but Zelena tells me so much about your life and about Henry and I wanted to be apart of it."

I didn't respond. I just turned my head in the direction of Henry and watched him play. Maybe she really did want to change. It's possible right? I sat there in my thoughts for so long I didn't notice my mother had gotten up and walked over to David to talk.

I got out of my seat and ran out to Henry. I picked him up and spun him around in my arms. He went into a laughing fit. Then I had a line of kids who wanted me to spin them. I have them each a turn before I had to take a break from all the circles.

I walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured myself a glass. Ruby walked in when I was taking a sip. "Oh nice wine. Can I have a glass?" She smiled. "Help yourself." I offered. I took a big gulp out of my glass. "You okay?" She asked. "Oh yeah. Just family drama." I shrugged. I topped of my glass and went back out to the party just in time for Emma to announce that it was time for presence.

The guests gathered around in the living room with Henry sitting in the middle of the floor. Emma was sitting next to a big pile of gifts so I joined her setting my glass on the table. She gave me a look as if to ask if I'm okay. I just smiled and nodded.

Emma and I took turns handing things to Henry out of the big pile. Henry was filled with smiles and thank yous as he went through each and every one. About halfway through we got to a card that I could tell had my mother's handwriting on it. I swallowed and handed it to Henry. Emma sat close and read the words to him. The last sentence of the card said to follow Cora outside to her car. He jumped up quickly and Emma and I followed. My mother grabbed Henry's hand and walked him to her shiny Range Rover that was sitting outside the apartment. She opened her back door and my jaw dropped when I saw what she pulled out.

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