Birthday Party!

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A/N Hey! Thank you all so much for the reads, votes and comments. It means so much to me! I'm trying to stay up on the chapters so I don't have another one ready but I'm going to post once a week until I end this. I'm not sure how or when I'll end it but I will give you a heads up. I also started another SWANQUEEN story called Dear Diary! Check out it. Enjoy this chapter! I'll update next week!

Emma's POV

We sat on the couch on Saturday morning dealing with our normal routine when I pulled out a ring box from the pocket of my sweat pants. I cleared my throat and Regina looked up from her book. Her eyes met mine and then found the box. Her face was expressionless. "What's that?" She asked.

I handed her to box with a smile on my face. "Open it." I said. She stared into my eyes for a second and then she began to open it. She pulled out a red key with a little black crown painted on it. "It's a key?" She smiled. "I love you and I know we basically already live together so move in with me." I paused. "Or we can move in with you. It doesn't matter. I just want us to be together."

Regina stood up and walked to where I was sitting just inches away from where she was. She looked over at Henry's smiling face. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. Her fingers brushed my cheeks. Then they linked together behind my neck and our lips met. We didn't pull away until we needed air. Our foreheads touched and our eyes locked. "Of course I want to live together." She whispered.

Next week is Henry's birthday party! But this weekend were moving. It's been a week since I asked Regina to move in. We decided to move to her apartment because there was more space there. So the past week has been filled with packing up boxes.

I am used to moving. Not long before I ended up with the Nolans I was moving all the time from Foster home to foster home. This however, is a happy occasion. Regina and I were going to have a home together.

Henry helped a lot. He said he wanted to get rid of some toys so he could make room at the new apartment. He picked out a few a decided to donate them.

We decided to keep my living room furniture instead of Regina's. My dark purple couches would help bring some color to Regina's rather colorless apartment. She threw a little fit about it but it wasn't long before she compromised. The living room could be mine but the kitchen was all hers. Not much argument there though. I can barely cook anything anyway.

We cleaned out the unnecessary stuff and packed up the stuff we were keeping and today were hauling it all to Regina's. David is coming to help and Mary Margret is going to come too just so that she can keep her eye on the kids. Ruby and Graham are coming too. Graham and David and do all the heavy lifting.

Regina thought about asking Zelena but decided against it just for the time being.

A few days ago, when Zelena and Regina were talking on the phone, Zelena mentioned something about Cora wanting to talk to Regina. She told Zelena she wasn't interested but something tells me she's been thinking about it.

After a clearing out the closet last night, we had very few things to pack this morning but I just finished with them. I walked out into the empty living room to see Regina lying on the back with her feet in the air. Her's and Henry's hands were linked together and his belly was on her feet. He looked like an airplane.

Henry was squealing and giggling. Since his eyes were on Regina I snuck up behind him and grabbed him off her feet. I cradled him in my arms and tickled his ribs. He burst into a fit of laughter. I sat down on the floor with him in my arms still. Henry was it of breath telling me to stop so I did.

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