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Regina's POV

It's been a few weeks since New Years and Emma and I spend basically every night together. Henry loves to spend nights at my apartment because he gets to sleep in the big bed. So most nights have been spent here. I'm getting ready for work and Emma is still asleep.

I can see Emma sprawled out in the bed by looking in the mirror. I can see her chest rising and falling. Shes lying on her back. One leg is straight out in front of her and the other is bent with her foot under the other leg. She's kicked off the blanket but she's wearing the sheet while one leg is sticking out from underneath. I smile at the scene.

I'm startled by two arms wrapping around my legs. I look down to see lots of brown hair against my thigh. I put my arms down to lift him up. He puts his head on my shoulder. I walk out of the bed room so I don't wake up Emma.

"Morning little prince. Are you hungry?" I said him. He shakes his head no. "You will be soon bud." I smile. I kept him on my hip while I got a bowl out of the cupboard. I got Cheerios too. I poured the cereal into the bowl. "Hen, do you want milk in your cereal?" I asked. He lifted his head up and looked in my eyes. "Gina?" "What baby?" "Do you want to be my mommy?" I smiled.

Emma told me about Henry asking her. That was such a happy day for me. I haven't even been with this woman that long and her son wanted me to be his other mother. I love this boy so much. I don't care how short of a time it's been, I can't imagine my life without him. "Do you want that?" I asked him. He shook his head yes. "I love you Henry." I said and kissed his cheek. "I love you too mommy."

It wasn't until then that I saw Emma standing in the door way. She had tears coming down her face. I set Henry's cereal on the table and then set Henry in a chair. I went to Emma. I used my thumbs to clear her face of the liquid. Then kissed her hard. "I love you both so much." She said. "I love you too. My little prince and my princess." We both just smiled at each other.

"Shouldn't you be heading to work?" Emma asked. "Shit. Yeah." I kissed her on the cheek and ran into the bed room. I slipped on my heels and my jacket. I grabbed my purse and searched for my keys inside while I was walking back into the kitchen.

"Do you have everything?" Emma asked me. "I think so. Do you work tonight?" I answered. "Yes. Can you pick up Henry from Ruby's when you get off?" I smiled. I love helping out with Henry. "Of course baby." I said. I kissed the top of Henry's head and then kissed Emma. "Have a good day." I said walking out the door.

Work is so hectic. I love my job. I really do. But it's hard. For every kid I get to help there's so many that I don't get to help. Most of my coworkers don't love the job like I do. Most don't even like it. I hate to see that. I feel like those people are so tired of his job that they pass over so much. Things they could do something about. I wish I could be in charge to make sure things like that don't happen.

Now that I have Emma, I understand so much more about what these kids go through. It's my job to make kids happy and put them in good situations.

I wish I had had the opportunity to help Emma when she was younger. She is such an amazing person and she deserves so much more than she had to deal with. I don't know how she's turned out to be so amazing with all that she's gone through. But on the other hand, if she wouldn't have gone through what she had I wouldn't be with her right now.

I just finished my paper work for the day so I decided to check my phone. I saw a message from Emma from a few hours ago.

Emma: hello my queen. How is your day going? I just dropped Henry off at Ruby's. I'm going to class now.
Regina: hi babe. Sorry I just now had a chance to check my phone. Have a good day in class.
Emma responded almost immediately.
Emma: you know I was just thinking about you
Regina: and what were you thinking?
Emma: how badly I want you right now.
I read the text a few times. I couldn't help but be turned on by just those few words.
Regina: Emma..

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