And you are?

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Regina's POV

I was so confused when I saw Zelena Locksley standing at the door of Emma's apartment. This isn't even my home and why would she come here? "Um, excuse me?" I stuttered. "I said happy birthday." Zelena smiled. Emma looked at me. "It's your birthday?" She asked with a sad look in her face. "Yeah." I shrugged. "What are you doing here? How did you find me? How would you even know it's my birthday?" I looked back to Zelena. "Well darling. I'm your sister after all." She said walking through the doorway into the apartment. "No. I don't have any siblings." I shook my head. "Oh sweetie. I am your sister. Just ask Emma. She saw me with mother today." She shined her teeth in Emma's direction. "What?" I looked at Emma.

"Regina. I was going to talk to you. I just walked in the door. I haven't had the opportunity to say anything yet. I was going to tonight." Emma said stumbling over her words. I just nodded. I knew Emma would tell me and I knew she hadn't had the chance yet but for some reason I was still a little angry.

Zelena looked around. Behind the couch you could clearly see into the dining area. "This is no way to celebrate your birthday." She said. She walked toward Henry. "And you are?" She said crouching down to Henry's level. "I'm Henry." He smiled.

Emma and I moved to the kitchen quickly. "Listen, I don't want to be rude but I don't have any siblings. I'm not sure how you know it's my birthday since I don't celebrate and I've met you one time. But you can't just come into Emma's home and try to cause a scene." I said to Zelena. "Why don't you give me a moment to explain?" She smiled. "I most definitely am your sister. My mother is Cora Mills. My father on the other hand I do not know. We don't have the same father. Our mother gave me up because she was looking for something bigger than having a child out of wedlock. Although recently, for some reason, she has reached out to me. I never understood why until your father told me that she disowned you. Then he explained to me that she wanted me to pretend to be her only daughter and take over as mayor of Storybrooke. That's why I just moved there with my husband and our son. You were called I'm assuming because we're outsiders and from what I understand that town doesn't take outsiders very well." Zelena explained. She kept going on about how my father had let it slip that it was my birthday. She found out where we were because she'd followed me earlier. She was waiting for the right time to knock.

"I.. Uh.. How am I supposed to believe all that?" I asked. "She gave you up after 20 years because you weren't following her plan. What makes you think she wouldn't give me up after just being born? I was blocking her future." She was right. I don't know if I can trust this woman completely. She did just stalk me. Okay was all I said.

Emma looked between Zelena and I. "Would you like to sit? Regina is making dessert. You could join us." Emma smiled. "Sure. I would love to get to know the two of you" Zelena said taking a seat in the chair with nothing in front of it. It happened to be the one next to Emma since I was sitting next to Henry.

I didn't really want her to stay but Emma already invited her and it would be rude to protest. So we sat at the table all together.

Emma and Zelena seemed to be making most of the conversation. At some point Henry asked if he could go to his room and play. Emma then aloud him to leave the table. Zelena asked me some questions and told me more about her life but I felt like I was on autopilot. I answered but not really with emotion. I could feel Emma looking at me because she could tell I wasn't okay. But I tried to avoid eye contact.

My mother abandoned Zelena when she was born. She, like Emma, spent her life in the foster system. Zelena however, spent all her time in one home. She was adopted when she was 5. Then her family moved to the UK when she was 7. They weren't abusive but they weren't really there. She met Robin in high school. They got together when they were 15 and have been together ever since. After they finished high school, they moved back here for college.

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