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Emma's POV

God I'm so pissed. I don't even really know completely why. I wish Regina would've told me she wanted more kids. Kind of seems like a big deal to her. What's even worse is the fact that she played it off like she didn't actually care.

Then there's the fact that we bumped into Regina's ex. Her first girlfriend. The first person she had sex with. Her first love. She seemed so taken with her. What if she's in love with her? What if she leaves me for her? Plus that girl acted like she knew her better. I guess she did.

It's been a month since then. That night, I took Henry and went to my foster parents. We've been here since then. Regina calls everyday but I haven't talked to her yet.

Within the last couple of days I only just started to not be mad anymore. I'm frustrated and confused but I'm not angry anymore.

I miss her. I miss her so much it physically hurts me. There's like a pain in my chest because I'm not with her. I've spent so much time moping around that Henry noticed. He misses her too. He cried for the first few days. He cried, asking when he was gonna see mommy again. He broke my heart.

I feel like an idiot. She probably won't even talk to me if I try. She's probably angry at me. Why did I even leave?

I stared at my cell phone screen, Regina's name beneath my thumb. There's a picture of her on there too. She smiling and holding Henry. I didn't even realize I was crying until a tear fell onto my phone.

I didn't call. I locked my phone and laid down to sleep. But it wasn't long before there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Emma." Mary Margret said opening the door slowly. "Come in." I said sitting up against the headboard. "Honey. Are you okay?" She asked. She sat next to me on the bed. When she sat down I couldn't stop the tears that streamed down my face. "I miss her so much. I don't know what to do." I cried.

"Sweetie." She paused. "What's stopping you from calling her?" I shook my head, "I shouldn't have left. She's probably mad at me because I left her." She rubbed my arm. "Emma, honey, she'll forgive you I promise. She loves you." She said. I cried more. "Please just at least go talk to her. You've been in so much pain. It's been a month." She finished.

We sat in silence until I stopped crying. This isn't even like me at all. I'm not emotional. I'm independent. Why did I have to fall in love?

I laid and bed by myself thinking about what I should do. I can't just ignore her.

I got up and went into the shower. I cleaned myself up and got dressed. I ask David if he could watch Henry for me and made my way to Regina's.

I took a deep breath before knocking. Technically it's my house too but I have to knock. It took a while but she answered.

She looked like a wreck. Her hair was in a ponytail and it hasn't been washed. She was wearing my pajama pants and my tshirt. That was all the glance I got before she slammed the door in my face.

I huffed but knocked again. "Regina please. Let me talk to you." I yelled. She opened the door. "You've been gone for a month Emma. Without a word as to where you were or even how Henry is." She slammed the door again. "Please Regina. Just listen to me." I begged. The door swung open again. "A month!" She screamed. I put my foot in the door frame so this time it couldn't slam. She looked down shocked.

"I know I was stupid. I shouldn't have left. I was terrified. I was terrified in so many ways. We fell in love so quickly and here we are. Ya know? We ran into your ex. My insecurities kicked in. I shouldn't have ran. I'm just so used to it. Something bad would happen and I'd get sent away to a new home. I guess running is kind of my thing." I said.

Tears rolled down her face. "Why were you so scared? I'm not interested in her. Do you realize how long ago it was? Are you scared because I want more kids and you don't? Because I told you that doesn't matter. I have you and I love Henry so much. He is my son Emma. Why would you ever think it's okay to pick up and leave and ignore me for 30 days. I have been here alone. Calling you. Wondering what was going on because you didn't even tell me." She cried.

"For fucks sake Regina. Do you understand how my life has been up until now? You of all people should know. It's your fucking career. I'm insecure. People always leave me. Why would my first instinct be that you were gonna stay?" Regina interrupted me. "Because I love you." She yelled. " I love you too. Please believe me. I know I shouldn't have left just see it from my side. What would you have done?" I finished.

"I wouldn't have left you." Regina said. "But you did remember?" I answered. "I thought that you cheated on me!" She exclaimed. "But that's just it. You thought. You didn't ask me. You just ignored me for weeks." I said.

She didn't say anything.

"And also, I'm not gonna let you settle for not having any kids. You should've talked to me before. If you want more kids, we'll have them. We can have 10 more for all I care but I couldn't live with myself if I made you change something you cared so much about like that." I dared to reach out and touch her. She flinched but she didn't deny it. "And you aren't leaving me. I'm going to get Henry and were coming home. Because this is our home. All of our home. We love you and miss you Regina. I'm sorry for being a complete dumbass. I will apologize everyday to you if I have to. I'm new to people caring okay? I'm stubborn. But you're just as stubborn so I know you're going to back out of the door way and let me come in." I finished.

She did. She backed up and let me come inside. She didn't say anything. I didn't either. We just stood there.

"We don't have to have 10 kids. We can just have like 2." She whispered.

"We can have as many as you want because you're stuck with me." I laughed.

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