Chapter 20

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Matt's POV

I opened my eye's. God. Do you know what it's like to wake up with a toddlers foot on your face?
I carefully moved Addie's foot, looking at her. Ana was curled up against me, I was on the edge of the bed and Addie was sleeping horizontally across the bed with her legs on Ana and I. I couldn't help but smile, I'd forgotten what it was like, Charlotte was getting older, she came into our bed some mornings, but she never slept with us anymore.
I looked at Ana, she was sleeping, her mouth slightly open and I brushed some hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. I smiled, I knew her so well, and I knew she would desperately love another child, I just wished she was open to discussing it with me and her doctor. She seemed to think it was helpless, but there were ways and I really hoped she'd talk to me about it. I would love another child, but also wanted to see Ana happy.
I know people would say now was a bad time to think about another child, but now was the best time. We'd broken up, I said and did horrible things and I was never going there again, I would never do that to Ana again. I almost lost her and I needed her so badly, I honestly don't know what would have happened to me if she hadn't taken me back, and she had every fucking right to walk away from this marriage, but she didn't, she gave me a second chance and if I learnt anything from my mistakes it was that I loved Ana more than I ever did before. She was a part of me, she was half of me, without her I was incomplete.
"What you doing? " Ana whispered into my chest.
I kissed the top of her head. "Just thinking, oh and trying not to fall out of bed."
She laughed, looking up at me. "What are you thinking about?"
"You." I whispered. "How much I love you."
She wrapped her arm around my waist, wiggling until her face was level with mine.
Addie moaned in her sleep and we both glanced at her.
"I love you too." Ana whispered, turning back to look at me.
"I know Ana, it's just I nearly lost you."
"But you didn't." She said, putting her hand on my face.
"It made me realize how much I love you. You're my world and I would do anything for you."
She smiled at me and a tear slid down her cheek. I reached up and gently wiped it away, kissing her softly.
"Matt." She whispered. "You're my world too."
"I was miserable."
"I was miserable Matt, getting out of bed was a chore, existing was a chore."
I placed my forehead against her's. "I love you so much."
She smiled, kissing me and as in as awkward position as we were I managed to wrap my arms around her, holding her close.
"Oh god." She groaned. "I forgot how awful it was sleeping with a little one."
"Oh Ana, you love it." I smiled. "Every second of it."
She nodded. "I do."
That look passed over her face, the longing, the need, the desire for a child.
"Let's try baby." I murmured kissing her. "Let's make an appointment, see what our options are."
She didn't reply, but she nodded.
"Ana, you're a great mom, Charlotte adores you. Hell." I said laughing. "Sophies kids adore you, we can do this."
She nodded again, wiping her cheek. "I guess we can talk to the doctor."
"Good." I whispered. "Now shut up and kiss me."
She smiled and kissed me softly, tenderly, only the way Ana could kiss me and I hoped she kissed me like this for the rest of our lives.
"Ana baby." I murmured. I had an idea, a great idea.
"Yes." She asked, stroking my cheek.
"Will you marry me?"
"We're married silly." She told me.
"I know, but marry me again, renew our vows." I murmured. "I love you and I want everyone to hear me say it, I want everyone to know that I love you."
"They know already."
"I want to promise myself to you again Ana." I whispered. "I want you to know that I will never do that again, ever and I want to do it in front of our family and friends."
She smiled, and her eye's were full of love. "Alright, let's do it."
I kissed her, deeply and she responded, pressing her body against mine.
"Matt." She murmured against my lips. "I love you so much it hurts."
I nodded. I understood her completely. "Me too baby." I murmured, returning my lips to hers.
"Aunty Ana?" A little voice cried.
Ana smiled, turning over. "Hi baby."
I watched as Addie's face lit up and she moved around until she was in Ana's arms.
"How did you sleep?" Ana asked her, brushing her dark hair of her face.
"I sleeped good." She answered, reaching up and brushing Ana's hair off of her face. "I wuv you Aunty Ana."
I smiled.
"Join the club kid."

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