Chapter 24

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Charlotte's POV

"Would you like me to walk you to the door Charlotte?"
"No thanks Nanny, I'm a big girl, I'll be okay."
"Okay then." She said, leaning over and kissing me.
I got out of her car and walked up the path. I don't know what Nanny was worried about, daddy opened the door before I'd even got to it.
"How was your day?" He asked me.
"Very good daddy." I told him, walking inside. "Where's mommy?"
"In the kitchen."
"She doesn't have a baby does she?" I did not want one.
He laughed. "Not yet sweety."
I just looked at him. I don't know why he thought it was so funny. I thought a baby was a terrible thing.
I shook my head and walked into the kitchen and stopped.
Oh no, my mommy was crying again. I wanted to hug her and ask her what was wrong, but I needed to speak to my daddy.
I walked back out of the kitchen and straight to stupid daddy's stupid game room.
"Daddy." I cried walking in. "Why did you make mommy cry again?" And I couldn't help it, I started crying.
"Charlotte." He said jumping up. "Mommy's crying?"
I nodded and he picked me up, carrying me to the kitchen.
"Ana, baby." He whispered, pulling mommy against him, so we were all in a big hug.
"Mommy what's wrong?" I asked her, hugging her. She looked so sad, but I was very glad that it wasn't my daddy making her cry.
"I'm just overwhelmed." She cried, putting her face in my daddy's chest.
I layed my head on his shoulder while he whispered to her, cuddling her.
Suddenly I heard a voice at the door and I looked over. A man was there, smiling. I stared at him. Oh my gosh he looked liked my mommy with a beard.
"Charlotte." Mommy sniffled. "This is your Uncle Josh."
I just looked at him. I didn't know if I wanted to be his friend or not because he made mom cry.
Daddy made us all sit in the living room and I listened to them talk. This Uncle Josh was going to stay at our place and I didn't like it. There was no baby, but now I had an uncle instead.
Daddy ordered pizza and I watched him while we ate, he was a lot like my mommy, but I still didn't like him.
He kept trying to talk to me but I didn't answer him, I would just bury my face in my mommy's chest.
"She's shy." I heard daddy say.
I wasn't shy, I just didn't like people who made my mom sad.
"Can I go to bed mommy?" I whispered.
She carried me to my room, helping me get dressed. "Do you like your Uncle Josh?" She asked me.
"Hmmm I don't know yet." I told her as she tucked me in.
"Give him a chance sugar." She said kissing my nose. "You just might like him."
Well we'd see about that I guess.
I fell asleep quickly because I was tired, Nanny always made me tired, but later I woke up again and I groaned. I needed the bathroom, I hated having to get out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and when I'd finished I heard a noise downstairs. A light was on so I went down. Maybe it was my mommy crying again and maybe she needed a hug.
I snuck into the kitchen and I saw my Uncle Josh. He was sitting at the bench, eating ice cream and crying. Gosh he was so much like my mommy.
"Are you okay Uncle Josh?" I asked him.
"Oh Charlotte." He said wiping his face. "I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." He said nodding. "I'm sure."
"Okay." I said yawning.
"Go back to bed sweety." He told me.
"Uncle Josh, would you like a hug?"
He nodded, looking really sad.
I went to him and hugged him tightly, like I did when my mommy was sad and then I kissed his cheek. "Goodnight." I whispered.
I climbed the stairs, stopping at mommy and daddy's room. Maybe I should tell them that Uncle Josh is sad, maybe they could make him feel better.
I opened their door quietly, peeking in. The lamp was on and I could see mommy and daddy and I did not know what they were doing, but they looked silly.
I looked at them. My daddy was on top of my mommy, the blankets were moving and she kept saying. "Oh god yes." Over and over again.
"Are you wrestling?" I asked them.
"Jesus fucking Christ." Daddy yelled, getting off mom.
"Oh Charlotte, honey." Mommy said sitting up. I think she had no clothes on. "Yes honey, we're wrestling, go back to bed."
"Okay." I said. "Have fun."
"Thanks." My daddy mumbled.
I climbed back into bed, I forgot to tell them about Uncle Josh. I'd tell them tomorrow, the were obviously too busy wrestling now.

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