Chapter 1

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This was it. A new year. A new me. I was finally away at college. I stood in front of the mirror hanging on the door of my dorm room. I wanted to look good for tonight. The first night out was a huge deal.

“You look hot in that. The boys are going to go crazy” my best friend and roommate Amanda said to me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Nah” I replied but I had to admit I looked good. I felt good. I was wearing a short black dress, showing off just enough to keep boys minds wondering.

This was my first official college party. I’ve snuck into a few before but now I could actually have a good time and not worry about getting home before curfew. That was the best thing about being away, no parents to tell you what to do. I had my best friend by my side. We’ve been inseparable since kindergarten when she saved me from some evil kid who kept teasing me. Amanda is beautiful. She is just like me except with blonde hair and brown eyes. I had dark brown wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. She’s my partner in crime and let me tell you we always got into trouble.

This year I was going to make a name for myself. I was tired of living in my brother’s shadow. He’s perfect, according to just about everyone but me. We’re pretty close since we’re only two years apart. He’s still my older brother and gets on my nerves. Not to mention he’s overly protective. It came in handy some times. He kept the creeps away but also scared off some of the good guys.

We walked into the party and my eyes immediately scanned for the keg. I got us both drinks and we started to dance. A few guys circled around us but I had no interest in them. They were good looking but I just wanted to have fun with my best friend. I noticed a few bitches from high school that graduated before me. They just glared at us. I don’t know why they were staring at me but whatever. I didn’t care.

I started grinding on some guy behind me. I felt his hot breath on my neck when he pulled me closer against him. I turned around to face him and smiled. “Hey Zayn.” He’s one of my brother’s best friends. He’s breathtaking. The bad boy type. Dangerous. Mysterious. He was in a tight black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. His cigarette placed strategically behind his ear. His hair gelled up.

Since Zayn is here that meant one thing and he comes. He walked slowly towards us, his eyes locked on mine. There is no way to describe Niall Horan. He’s everything I ever wanted but nothing I can ever have.

“Lauren?” Niall dragged me by the arm out to the front porch. I almost forgot how beautiful he was and only seemed to be getting better looking with age. His scent immediately captivated me and for a split second I wasn’t angry that he just pulled me away. His blonde hair tucked behind his blue snapback he always wore. He was just in a white tee and jeans. He was effortlessly perfect.

It’s been a few months since I’ve seen him or any of them. They’ve been away at school and over the summer I went away to my cousin’s. The last time I saw Niall or Zayn was their spring break last semester, then shortly for my graduation party.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he scolded me.

“Trying to have a good time.” His jaw clenched. I knew he was mad but that didn’t stop his eyes from wondering up and down my body. He liked what he saw. He tried to hide that smirk of his but he failed. “If Louis catches you here he’s going to kill you.”

“I’m 18 now” I argued. “I don’t give a shit what he thinks.” But I did. Louis could be scary at times. He would flip if he saw the dress I was wearing or how I was dancing with Zayn. He always warned me to stay away from his friends, especially Niall.

“Let me take you home.” He started walking down the pathway but I didn’t follow.

“Leave me alone.”

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