Chapter 13

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Niall’s POV

I remember the little girl who would laugh at everything. Literally everything. A bird hopping on the ground would cause her to burst out in a fit of laughter. She’s the only girl to laugh at any of my stupid jokes but she never did it to make me feel better. She laughed because she understood my stupid sense of humor. One of the things I love about her. She gets me. Truly understands me.

She was such a free spirit back then. I’ve always been drawn to her. Her smile would make my day brighter. Her laugh would instantly lift my mood. She’s my best friend. A person I could to turn to for anything. She would listen and understand. She wasn’t judgmental, not with me.

I know the person she has become. It may not be the perfect little angel her parents wished for but she was doing her best. I loved the person she grew up to be. Fearless, confident, and independent. But that’s the personality that landed her in this situation.

She lied there lifeless. The doctors were unsure if she would wake up. They haven’t pronounced her brain dead or anything like that but injuries were severe enough that she could be in a comatose state for a significant amount of time.

The thought of that scared me. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and make it all better. I wish I could turn back the clock and chase after her. If I had maybe she wouldn’t have gotten in that car and be in the state she is now. I needed her to wake up. There was so much I needed to tell her. She needed to know how I felt and I desperately wanted her to tell me she felt the same. That she wanted to take whatever we had and make something out of it. I was ready for that step. And if she doesn’t wake up I don’t know what I am going to do. I don’t think I will be able to move on.

From that first night we spent together I knew there something more between us. I regret now that I never said anything. I just snuck out in the morning and the two of us for a few days acted like nothing happened. That is until it happened again. And again. And again.

As I sit here hoping that she’ll pull through all I can think of is everything I wish I had done. I wish I would have told her I had feelings for her back in high school. That it was always more than just sex for me. I wish that I had the balls to tell Louis the truth in the first place. My motto is usually “no regrets” but this is my biggest regret. Not telling her how truly and madly in love I was with her before this happened.

Mrs. Tomlinson did not stop crying from the moment we arrived at the hospital. Both her parents went in the room and made a positive I.D. The Jane Doe in fact was Lauren Tomlinson. When the doctor’s told them the state she was in she nearly fell to the floor.

Louis was angry and upset and was slowly losing his mind. He loves his sister very much. He does everything to protect her but he couldn’t protect her from this and that is what is eating him up inside. I know what he is thinking. He is thinking of all the things he could have done to prevent this. I was doing the same thing. But at the end of the day we can’t protect her from everything. Life takes some crazy turns that no one can predict.

The waiting room was filled our closest friends and some of the Tomlinson’s family members. Louis couldn’t stop shaking. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was worried or he was plotting. To me it looked like he was plotting some kind of revenge. We both know that Danny Sanchez played a role in the accident. It was his car so he was probably driving. The doctors said she was a passenger and there were two other people in the car with her that they were not allowed to give the identification of. Of course that did not sit well with Louis and me.

Two members of Danny’s gang walked through the hospital waiting room and Louis was quickly on his feet to follow them. Zayn and I got up to stop him from whatever crazy stunt he was about to pull. A fight in a hospital is not the best idea. His parents didn’t need another child in the hospital.

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