Chapter 19

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“What are you doing little sister?” Louis stepped into the kitchen completely catching me off guard. I didn’t expect anyone to be in the house.

I had groceries spread out around their kitchen. Sauces and crumbs littered the counter. I would clean it all up when I was done but for now he would just have to deal with the mess.

I made Harry take Niall out so I could surprise him with a nice dinner. It seemed like the good girlfriend thing to do. I spent all day planning it. Running around to different stores to buy the food and the candles and roses. Even though I was positive he would not appreciate anything but the food. I just hoped it would taste all right. I am not the best cook and Niall is very particular about his food.

“You are aware that Niall would never eat a salad?” he points to the lettuce and tomatoes on the counter.

“Yes but I do” I reminded him. I like having more than just the main course at dinner. I know Niall wouldn’t eat anything that was remotely healthy.

“And he won’t eat his chicken grilled.”

“Yes Louis. I know” I groaned. Louis may be his best friend but I know Niall just as well as he does. I’ve known him since before I could talk. I had the biggest crush on him so I knew his likes and dislikes.

“Leave her alone” Brianna interrupted Louis from his next thought. We started getting a little closer. I didn’t resent her as much as I used to. Who knows maybe one day we could actually be friends.

“Yes, please” I whined. “Go” I pushed him out of the kitchen.

“Clean up this mess” he shot me a look.

“Yes Master” I laughed and bowed to him. He really can get annoying sometimes. When we were younger he would ditch his chores and force me to do them. It’s safe to say he’s the one that doesn’t know how to clean up after himself.

I went back to my task at hand, mixing the potatoes. I know how much Niall loves mashed potatoes.

“Making me dinner?” Zayn asked as he navigated around my mess to get to the cabinet for a cup.

“I’m attempting to make a nice dinner for Niall” I sighed, re-reading over the recipes. “It’s really hard.”

Zayn just laughed. “Especially because his idea of a nice dinner is pizza.” I nodded in agreement.

“Should I not have made chicken?” I was starting to get all panicky. What if he doesn’t like it? This was going to be a huge disaster.

“He loves chicken too. Don’t put any weird sauce on it though.”

“Crap” I muttered to myself. I have been running around all day I knew I was bound to forget something.

“What is it?”

“I forgot to pick up the balloons.” My face fell against my hands on the counter.

“I’ll go” Zayn said as he grabbed his keys. “Just tell me where to go and what you need.”

“You are a lifesaver” I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much.”

“I hope you at least got him a nice present.”

“I did” I cheered. I was really proud of what I got him. He’s been talking about it since he was ten. He hasn’t shut up about it since so I’m positive he’s going to love it.

After Zayn left, I set up everything on the back deck. I place the candles and the table and scattered the rose pedals around the deck. It was a little cheesy but at the same time romantic. Definitely the most romantic thing Niall and I have ever done. Honestly it’s the most romantic thing I have ever done period.

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