Chapter 2

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The door slammed shut and someone stumbled in the room. I looked over and Amanda wasn’t in her bed. “Crap” she muttered as she tripped over a pair of shoes on the floor. “Well, well what do we have here?”

I squinted my eyes, the light causing them serious pain. “Shit” I whispered when I noticed Niall was still here, in my bed. Amanda was still in her clothes from last night. I was envious of her and all the fun she got to have.

Niall groaned and sat up. “Fuck me” he groaned as he wiped his hand across his face.

“Good morning to you too” I said with a sarcastic tone.

He looked at his phone and jumped out of bed. “I got to go. Don’t tell Louis about this.”

“Calling him right now.” I rolled my eyes. Does he think I’m a moron or something? Niall fled the room like the plague.

“So was he good? Amanda asked as soon as the door shut.

“What? Oh my god” I huffed. “We did not sleep together.” She raised her eyebrows and pointed to the messy sheets. “Okay we shared a bed but we didn’t do anything.”

“Mhmm.” She continued to prance around the room getting her stuff ready for the shower that she desperately needed. She smelled like alcohol and sex.

“Seriously Amanda. We fell asleep and you can’t say anything. What about you, huh?” I asked pointing out her appearance.

She plopped down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I nudged her away from me. “Guess who I finally got with last night?” I shrugged my shoulders. The last I saw her she was making out with some dark haired kid. “Liam” she screeched. She had a crush on Liam since middle school. He’s another friend of Louis’. He’s the nice one. The one Louis wouldn’t mind if I dated. Sure he was hot with his buzz cut and muscles and big brown puppy dog eyes but he wasn’t my type. I never liked the sweet ones.

“I’m happy for you” I smiled.

“Now we’ll just get you with Zayn and life will be perfect” she cheered and clapped her hands.

“I don’t want Zayn” I argued. “I just made out with him to prove a point.”

“Which is?” she asked rolling her hands.

“That I can do whatever I want. They can’t control me anymore.”

“Okay” she shrugged. “Screw the shower. I’m starving. We’re getting breakfast.” That’s what I loved about our relationship. We never had to ask the other person. We always knew we would do what the other one wanted. And I would do anything for her and vise versa. We got changed quickly and went downtown. I could hear Niall’s boisterous laugh as soon as I walked through the door.

“Let’s go somewhere else” I begged. Before Amanda had a chance to protest Liam approached us. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and grinned at me. “Looking good Lauren.” I thanked him and ordered my food trying to avoid everyone who was sitting in his circle.

“Not even going to say hello?” a voice said from behind me.

“Just like home big bro. We never say good morning.” Louis and I were close but we acted like any normal siblings would. He could get on my nerves and I know I got on his but we had each other’s backs. I could run to him for anything. I knew he would always understand and help me anything and everything. Well almost everything.

“If we’re going to school together we should stay civil. Actually be friends.”

“No I’m okay with ignoring each other” I joked.

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