Chapter 7

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I finally lugged my last suitcase up the stairs to my dorm room. Amanda wasn’t back yet. She wanted to spend a few more days at home with Liam. They were so in love and never wanted to leave each other’s sides. It made me sick but good for her. She’s only been pining for him since middle school.

I wanted to get away from home. Louis wanted to stay home for a little longer too. I took a bus back to school. It took a half a day to get back here but it was better than driving back with Louis, Brianna, and Niall. Now that Brianna was back in his life I barely spoke to or saw Louis. There wasn’t much I could do about that. Niall I chose not to talk to but he didn’t try to talk to me either. I faked being sick on Christmas so I wouldn’t have to see him. New Year’s I went out with some other friends from high school even though Amanda begged me to spend New Year’s with them. It was the first time one of us chose to hang out with a different group of people. Oh well.

I walked downtown to get dinner before I passed out from starvation. I walked into the pizza place and Zayn was sitting at the counter. He patted the stool next to him for me to sit down. Even though I’ve been avoiding everyone I was happy to see a friendly face.

“Back so early?” I asked him.

“Everyone is wifed up. It was getting boring back home. But what can I get you?” He ordered another slice of pizza for me. We ate in silence, both of us too hungry to try and make conversation.

“Big plans tonight?”

“X-box and more pizza” he laughed. “No one is around. I guess it’s just as boring as home.”

“You have me” I smiled.

“You want to come over for X-box and more pizza?”

“It will be fun. We never get to hang out Zayn. Tonight you are stuck with me” I teased.

“I could have worse company” he joked. “Come on let’s go.” Zayn drove us back to his apartment. It was a little weird that Louis and Niall weren’t there. The five of them always stuck together. Zayn said they were all wifed up. Louis and Liam have girlfriends. Harry is now seeing some girl he met last semester. And that leaves Niall. Did he find someone and not tell me? I guarantee that he did.

“Let’s have a little fun.” Zayn turned to me with a confused look on his face. I reached in my bag and pulled out a joint. He smiled at first but then his face fell.

“Louis would kill you.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t” I said with a devilish grin spread across my face.

“I thought you were an angel Lauren Tomlinson.”

“Oh baby, I’m far from it.” He tossed me a lighter and I took a drag of the joint. It’s been a while since I smoked. The friends I was hanging out with at home did a lot more serious drugs that I didn’t really want to mess with.

“I feel like I know nothing about you anymore Lo.”

“I’m not a kid anymore. That’s all you need to know.” We continued to play a fighting game and finish off the joint. Both of us a bit high now we ordered an entire pizza. Thank god it was only Zayn as ate an entire slice in under a minute. He just sat back and laughed as the sauce fell on chest. His eyes remained focused on it. “Do you have paper towels or anything?” I asked him.

He shook his head no, a grin spreading across his face. He leaned over towards me and I nearly jumped back when his tongue licked off the sauce off my chest. “Kinky” I laughed.

He held his face in his hands. “Oh god” he groaned. “You’re Louis’ sister. What the hell am I doing?”

“I don’t know but please continue.”

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