Chapter 4

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Ring. Ring. I swore that if my phone went off one more time this morning I would throw it out the window. I didn’t need it. That damn thing was more annoying than anything. It started to ring again and I just covered my face with a pillow. The last thing I wanted to do was get up and greet my parents this early on a Saturday.

“Well be there in an hour” my mother said. Why must she call me when she won’t be here for an hour? I forced myself out of my bed and started to clean up my dorm room. Parents weekend was supposed to be in October but it was postponed due to a big storm that weekend. It’s almost the end of the semester. Next week are finals already.

The semester was going by pretty quick. Louis and them backed off my social life a little. Niall was still too involved. He didn’t want to be with me but he wouldn’t let me get close to anyone else. I get it. I really do. It’s obvious we have feelings for each other. Maybe not feelings but lust. When we are in the same room it’s like you can cut the tension with a knife. He just glances my way and I immediately want to jump on him. He has this hold over me. He knows whatever he says I’ll do. If he tells me not to date someone I won’t. When he told me he didn’t like me hooking up with Zayn I didn’t pursue it. Most of the times he would listen to me too. I didn’t have quite the same influence over him though.

It sucks knowing we can never try to see what we could be. We both know how much it would hurt Louis. Louis means the world to the both of us. We’ve been hiding it from him for so long now. I hated deceiving him. If I ever happened cry over Niall for some stupid reason I would lie to Louis and tell him a complete different story that didn’t involve Niall.

And speak of the devil. “Good morning big brother” I said cheerfully into the phone.

“Do I have to see them?” he whined.

“Yes. They are your parents too.” Don’t get me wrong we love our parents. Our mother meddled in our lives a little too much. She’s bubbly and loves to talk to everyone, which includes telling the most embarrassing stories about the two of us.

“But they already came my freshman year and tortured me. It’s your turn.”

“Louis do not leave me on my own for this” I begged. I knew he would find an excuse to get out of the all the family activities and my mother would be okay with. I was stuck.

“Just show them around campus and I’ll meet you for dinner.”

“Fine” I groaned. I took a quick shower and got dressed before my parents arrived. My phone went off and I expected it to be another message from my mom but it wasn’t.

From Niall: the guys are gone for the day, come over ;)

He’s such a romantic.

To Niall: Can’t, parents are here. Keep it in your pants lol

I would much rather be lounging around with Niall than having to do all these stupid parents weekend activities. Maybe I could fake a stomachache or something. It would be wrong. They flew here, rented a car and booked a hotel. I should at least show them some hospitality.

My mom didn’t even knock. She burst through the door and wrapped her arms around me. I could have been doing anything in here. Does a girl still have no privacy even away at school?

“Hi Mom” I said hugging her back. I ran over to my dad and hugged him tight.

“Where’s your brother?” he asked.

“Oh you know. He’s a busy man” I lied. I had no idea what he was doing today.

“Didn’t he tell you Jim? Louis and Brianna got back together. He’s spending the day with her and then they’re coming to dinner with us tonight.” Both my dad and me sighed heavily. We both hated her. She was horrible. She treated Louis more like her dog than her boyfriend. She’s beautiful that’s why he falls for it. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. Flawless skin and long, sexy legs. I get why my brother is into her but she’s a bitch.

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