Chapter 8

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I hated lying to my friends. I’ve been doing it for a few months now. It made me feel like absolute shit. I had a lot going on and I wasn’t about to drag them into my mess. In reality, they are the reason I am in this position in the first place. They aren’t 100% at fault. I played a role in the mess I got myself in to. Louis, Niall and Zayn screwed up and I have to pick up the pieces but they have no clue that I am. They’ve protected me my whole life. It was now time to repay the favor.

Spring break snuck up on me. I’m not complaining though. I was over the schoolwork but I wasn’t happy about going home. Good thing it would only be for a few days. We all planned a trip to Mexico for the last few days of break. Everyone was excited that I actually said yes. I didn’t really think they missed having me around all that much. The only part that sucked about this trip was Louis was bringing Brianna and Niall was still dating Taylor. It was going to be a blast.

As soon as I walked through the door of my house my mother had Louis wrapped up in her arms. She saw him less than two months ago. I could be gone for years and I wouldn’t get a reaction like that. I waved hello and went straight up to my room.

I was engulfed in the latest issue of Vogue when my phone vibrated on the other side of the room. I had to force myself up form the comforts of my bed to see who it was. I rolled my eyes when I saw Niall’s name flash across the screen. I pressed ignore, annoyed that I actually got up and went back to reading my magazine. My phone went off once more. I got up again, storming over to it, ignoring his call and shutting my phone off. Honestly I didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially him. If anyone really needed me they knew where to find me.

“You coming down for dinner Lo?” Louis asked, slowly walking into my room. He knows I don’t like to be bothered and I like my privacy. “The guys are coming over. They should be here in five minutes.” I nodded my head, not bothering to look up from the article I was reading.

About twenty minutes later I made my way downstairs. The table in the dining room was filled with famished boys. I took a seat at the island in the kitchen. “Happy to be home?” my mother asked.

“Thrilled” I said sarcastically.

“Don’t’ give me that attitude Lauren. I am your mother. You will respect me.” I rolled my eyes, which only made her angrier. We’ve been having issues lately. Well the issues started when I was younger and they’ve only become worse. We act like nothing is wrong for Louis’ sake. He hated listening to us fight.

“You barely respect yourself” I scuffed.

“We’ll talk about this later. I have a dinner to attend to.” I didn’t even want the shitty dinner she cooked. I walked out of the house. It’s not like anyone would notice I was gone. There was a stream that ran on the back of our property. I sat down on one of the big boulders and pulled a joint from my pocket. I lit it and let the high clear my mind.

After I was satisfied I went back to my house. Everyone was done eating and of course there was no food left. Brianna was helping my mother with the dishes. My mother shot me a dirty look since I didn’t offer to help. I didn’t eat it. Why should I help?

Niall came in the kitchen, placing a kiss on my cheek. “We missed you at dinner” he said.

“I’m sure you did” I laughed.

“I always miss you pipsqueak.” He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head. I don’t know why he was being so affectionate with his girlfriend or whatever she was standing right there. 

“Can I talk to you a minute?” she asked him. He followed her down the hall and I couldn’t help but listen. I wish I hadn’t.

“What’s going on with you two?” Taylor asked, clearly annoyed at how he just acted around me.

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