Chapter 5

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After that night out with my family and Niall I barely spoke to any of them. Louis was too busy worrying about his relationship with Brianna. The phone calls I had with my mom were brief. I avoided Niall like the plague. He was wrong. There were reasons I haven’t had a boyfriend since Chris. Reasons I don’t want to talk to about with anyone. He just needs to respect that. It’s my life. No one else’s. I decide if I want to be single or in a relationship.

Now I’m home for winter break. Every year before Christmas and the New Year we take a trip to this ski lodge up in Vermont. It’s about a five-hour trip from home but it’s worth it. Or so I thought it was. I knew this year I wasn’t going to enjoy it as much. I finally had everything packed when Louis came to my room to bring my suitcases down to the car.

“Why can’t Brianna pack like you?” he joked. I shot him a look. I didn’t need to be reminded that bitch was going to be there.

“Because unlike her I’m not insecure. I don’t need thousands of make-up and hair products for my boyfriend to love me” I fired back at him. I folded my arms across my chest and tapped my foot waiting for him to carry my suitcase downstairs.

“That would require you to have a boyfriend” he muttered.

“Oh shut up Louis.” I pushed him out the door as I grabbed my purse and followed him downstairs. Our parents already headed out with Zayn’s parents. We just needed to swing by Zayn’s and pick him up.

“Well it makes my life a whole lot easier. I don’t have to be all scary big brother on anyone.” I scoffed and jumped in the front seat of his black Tahoe. If he only knew the things I did. It’s safe to say I’m not little miss perfect. I may not have a boyfriend but I have random hook-ups. Most of them I am not proud of. I was usually drunk and just looking for a good time. At 19 who wants to be tied down to one guy? I sure as hell don’t. I like my freedom. Every relationship I have seen is always about controlling the other person. If my boyfriend told me I couldn’t go somewhere I would be livid. No one can control me. Chris tried to. He would demand me not to go to parties he wouldn’t be attending. I listened to him for some time but eventually I just started going without him anyway. Of course he would find out and be mad but I just wanted to have a little fun.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked annoyed when we pulled up to Zayn’s house. Niall’s truck was parked in the driveway.

“You got beef with Niall now?” Louis asked. I rolled my eyes and avoided telling him about our past.

“No. I just thought we were just taking Zayn.”

“And Brianna” he added and covered his body immediately knowing well aware that I was going to punch him.

“Seriously Louis? Can’t she just go with her friends? Isn’t Marissa going with her?”

“Marissa went with Harry and Liam. Can you just try to get along with her?” I shot him my death glare. The one he knows could burn a hole through his body. “For me?” He pouted his lip and have me those puppy dog eyes that work on everyone, except me.

“I’m sorry. I won’t. I hate her and you know that.”

“Give her another chance.” He held my shoulders and shook my body.

“No. And you shouldn’t have either. She treats you like shit Lou.” He groaned and knocked on Zayn’s door. I helped Zayn with his luggage, ignoring Niall on my way in the house. These boys packed more than I did.

Once everything was in the car we headed towards Brianna’s house. Her house was beautiful. Her dad made good money. She got everything she ever wanted, including my brother.

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