Chapter 21

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“No” Niall whined when I sat up on the bed. “Not yet” he said into the pillow. 

I had spent every night with him since his accident at the dirt bike track. Men are so needy when they are hurt or sick. He wanted me to cook for him, get him water every twenty minutes. Change the channel even though the remote was sitting right next to him. He even wanted me to do his coursework. That I refused to do.

When I came home from the hospital Niall helped a little. And by help he lied beside to me on my bed all day and watched what he wanted to. Occasionally he would help me up when I needed to go to the bathroom or wanted to get out of my room. He was more than willing to help me shower but I never let him.

We spent the last week in his bedroom doing nothing but talking, laughing and cuddling. It was the best week of my life. Who knew all it took was an injury for us to go back to being us?

“I should go to class” I pushed his hands away from my hips that were holding me back. “Go back to sleep.”

“Don’t want to” he shook his head. “I’m feeling better” he smirked and kicked his feet up in the air, showing that he had free range of his knee.

“That’s good” I smiled back. “But I still should go to class.”

“It’s Friday. You didn’t go all week.”

“I tried” I argued while laughing. “You’re quite convincing.”

“I know” he winked, his lips meeting my cheek as he laid me back down on the bed. “Just one more day.”

“Since you’re feeling better…” I trailed off.

“Yes Lo?”

“I was thinking – that maybe – I don’t know. We could get dinner or something tonight. Celebrate your good health.”

“Yeah. That sounds perfect as long as you don’t go to class.”

I curved my body against his, my head falling against the pillow. “Good night Niall.”

He hummed in response. Only taking just a few seconds before his snores filled the room.


Some time in the late afternoon I snuck out of Niall’s bed when he was sleeping. I made him lunch and we watched a few episodes of Friends before he dozed off again. I took it as the perfect opportunity to go back to my room, shower and get ready for our date tonight.

“Ah, she exists” Amanda lifted her head as I opened the door.

“If Liam ever gets sick just run” I sighed.

I showered quickly. Probably missing some hair I shaved my legs so fast.

My closet was a mess and I had no clue what I was going to wear tonight but it had to be special. Not that it mattered to him but it mattered to me.

Technically it was our anniversary. It’s been three years since the night he first crawled into my bed after Chris cheated on me.

“How about the new black one?” Amanda broke me out of the memory.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit much” I turned to her, holding the dress against my body. “We’re just getting dinner.”

“Niall will lose it seeing you in that.”

I smiled contently and sat down at my desk to fix my hair. Amanda helped me to style it and apply my make-up.

Once I had the dress on I looked myself over in the mirror. For the first time in a long time I felt beautiful. I didn’t need someone else to convince me. I saw it myself.

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