Chapter 17

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Pulling back slowly, my eyes fluttered to the man standing in front of me. The moment his lips landed on mine I knew who it was. His scent took over me and I gave into the kiss.

His breath was heavy as he rested his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry Lo.”

“I know” I sighed. I think we both knew that I wouldn’t stay mad at him for long. I planned on not talking to him for longer than this. I hoped to last at least an hour. I knew, well I hoped that he would run after me eventually. Smart boy for coming after me right away and not waiting. If he had waited I don’t know what I would have done. My mind would have been running over what he might possibly be up to. I should trust him, I really try to, but he just has a past that I can’t forget about. So do I but it’s different.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” he asked, shying away from me. I’ve never seen him so nervous to ask me something before.

“What about your party?” I asked annoyed. My arms were folded across my chest as I glared at him.

“I don’t care about that” he shrugged.

“Okay… then walk me home.” The walk back was quiet. An awkward silence. There was so much the both of us probably want to say but can’t find the courage to do so. At least that was the case for me.

I was happy that Amanda was still at the party and would probably stay with Liam for the night. “I haven’t slept in a dorm room in so long” Niall raised his eyebrows. He moved out of the dorms after his first semester.

“What makes you think you’re staying the night?” I teased him.

“Okay” he smiled and turned towards the door, waiting for me to tell him not to go. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. I yawned and started taking my make up off.

I heard the knob turn and I feared that he might actual leave. I finally have him alone and I don’t need him going back to that party with those whores. “Stay” I said quietly.

He practically skipped across the room and jumped on my bed. “And I surely haven’t had sex in one in a long time either.” I smiled at him and got up from my desk chair.

“Unzip me?” He slowly guides down the zipper and I let it slip to the floor. I spin around, his hands still on my waist. His eyes raked up and down my body. For the first time in months I felt like he wanted me. Really wanted me.

“You know it’s not that I didn’t want to have sex with you Lo…”

“Shhh” I placed my finger on his lips. “Let’s not talk about it.” I took his hand and pulled him onto the bed on top of me. He rolled over and hit the wall. I couldn’t help but laugh as he hit his head.

“I forgot how tiny these beds are” he shook his head. I rolled my eyes at his complaints. I straddled his lap. “And uncomfortable.”

“Will you please shut up?”

“At least you didn’t lose your sassiness.” I kissed him to stop him from talking him. The need for him was growing more and more as I rubbed myself against him.

We both stripped of our clothes and he lowered himself into me. I winced from the pain. When it’s been over five months it’s going to hurt for the first time. He pulled out and shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you” he whispered.

“You won’t. Please” I was almost begging. He entered me again, slower than last time and barely going half way in. I lifted my hips so push him in further.

We took it slow. I’ve never felt so close to him. His lips stayed on mine as he moved in and out.

“I love you.”

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