2. The truth

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I feel my body lifting from the cold surface. I start to scuffle as hard as I can, but he only tightens his grip on my body. Suddenly, he tosses me feeling myself descend making me muffle a scream.

Another man catches me, chuckling at my fright. I struggle in his arms as he throws me on a smooth surface hearing water splash nearby. I start to hear the muffles of the girls again.

The black bag is taken off and I squint from the bright white shimmering around me. I frantically look around seeing the other girls look at me in devastation.

I see many men surround us with masks covering their identities with rifles in their hands.

We were on a fishing vessel that reeked of sea salt combined with fish. It was still dark out and the rest of the men load the last girl onto the ship. "Let's go." The man signals the driver of the ship.

I count the girls surrounding me and there were twenty in total.

What is this?

Where are they taking us?

"The boss is going to be so happy we might just get a raise." I hear the man next to me say speaking to his partner who was standing inches away from the girl in front of me.

My hands became light pink from the cold I couldn't feel them anymore. We were all shaking from the frozen winds of the sea. The ship starts to move away from the docks making the city become small from distance.

"What you think? Which one you're going to want after we reach the trap house?" The man next to me asks his partner in a grin.

"That one over there." He points at an Asian girl next to me. The girl only shakes her head muffling a cry as tears roll down her cheeks. The men only chuckle looking at her.

Another hour passes looking up at the sky seeing the darkness fade slowly. The ship stops moving and the men start to stand us up one by one removing our shackles from our ankles.

"Time to walk, ladies!" The man next to me shouts pushing me forward out of the ship. We walk in a line into a warehouse far away from the city, who knows where we were. There was only a warehouse far away from society.

The warehouse was huge from the inside and it reeked of cigar and alcohol. I walk in front of a mid aged woman in an elegant grey dress who grabbed me and sat me down on a chair.

"Let me take a good look at you." She smiles ripping off the tape from my mouth making me wince from the pain.

"P-please help." I whimper as she put her index finger on my mouth.

"Shhh, shhh." She whispers taking out a red lipstick from her purse and rubs it on my lips. "You have to look presentable for our customers." She grins pushing me off the chair for the next girl to sit.

"Detective Gordon, I have something for you to look at." A police officer hands him a DVD. "It just came in."

The detective grabs the DVD and puts it in the laptop watching a footage of a surveillance camera catching a man in a mask abduct a girl.

"This is the 120th girl to be abducted in the states." Detective Gordon holds onto the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Cole!" He shouts.

A man in a black trench coat walks towards him looking at the footage. "Zoom in on the girl's face, I want to know who she is and where she lives." Gordon demands.

"Right." Cole nods zooming in on the girl's face waiting for the laptop to identity the girl.

Twenty minutes pass and Cole prints out the profile. "Aye, Gordon check it. Her name is Ariel Reed, age 19." He hands the papers to him. "Red hair and hazel eyes." Cole adds.

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