8. Detective

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Jordan, why?

Why did you have to do this?

Is this really your job?

Is this really what you've been hiding from me?

I open my eyes widely staring up at the ceiling fan that circles around a full 360. The lightbulb was small and dim making the room have less lighting than it should have.

"Good to see you're awake." I hear Jordan's voice echo through my ears making me shut my eyes tightly and cover my eyes hoping I wouldn't hear his disturbing voice anymore.

Jordan grips on my wrists pulling them off my ears making me open my eyes in fright. "You poor thing." He smirks while I sit up on the bed.

"Why did you do this to me?!" I shout quickly getting off the bed.

"For money. I knew that if I got rid of you the cost of living wouldn't be so high." Jordan remains sitting on the bed.

"For money..." Tears overwhelm my eyes making them tear up. "You're all I have!" I cry lying my body on the wall.

"Oh little sister, I love you I really do but I couldn't stand how poor we were any longer." Jordan gets up from the bed and begins to walk towards me. "You're the one to blame! I never had a life because of you!"

"Stay away from me! You don't love me!" I cry running towards the locked door trying to unlock it.

"You really don't believe I love you?" Jordan tightens his grip on my shoulders pulling me back to his chest.

"No!" I shout struggling to free myself from his grip.

"Then I will show you." Jordan whispers into my ear starting to caress my arms making chills run down my spine.

"Please tell me you're being forced to do this." I whimper trying to pull myself forward.

"No, I'm doing this on my own free will." He desperately turns me around pushing me towards the locked door.

"Please Jordan, don't." Tears roll down my pink cheeks.

"The boss said to make you suffer and I'm doing just that." Jordan grins unbuckling my loose jeans I stole from Sinister.

"No!" I scream kicking him in the stomach making him cringe and cough. I quickly turn around forcefully unlocking the door making me bash the door open.

I didn't know where I was but I knew I had to get away from here as fast as possible.

I rush out of the room and run to the right side of the hallway pulling up my pants while they sagged down.

I gasp for air feeling my heart pump up to my throat. I could feel my ankle giving up on me as my foot begins to drag.

No! Not here!

I keep running ahead spotting two men. I drop down to my knees unable to run further. "Please don't." I cry seeing them walk up to me pointing their guns ready to fire at me.

"Hold your fire!" Logan shouts putting down his weapon.

A second later a shot is fired shooting me on my side making me scream and my upper body collapses to the ground. I groan from the agonizing pain, feeling the bullet push it's way into my body.

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