23. Consequences

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"Do you have my gear ready?" Logan pats the pilot on the back of his shoulder.

"Yes, sir. It's in the storage area." He responds, putting the plane on auto pilot.  Logan nods walking towards the storage area. "I'll take the next shift, you go get some shut eye."

"Two days left, sir. Don't worry, we'll get there." The pilot reassures him as he enters an empty room.

Philip begins to breathe heavily, unknowing what to do he takes out his gun in panic.

His heart rapidly paces against his breathing. Cold sweat begins to form along his forehead as his body tenses.

Logan grips onto the knob turning it open. At the last moment, Philip decides to hide his gun in his holster.

The door opens wide as Logan's eyes widen in surprise. "Phil???" He stares down at the sweaty man who had his hands up in the air in defeat.

"Hey...." Philip smiles.

Logan shuts his eyes, trying to make sense of it all. "W-what the hell are you doing here?!"

"Logan, buddy. I can explain." Philip gets out of the room dusting himself off.

"How did you even get in here?!" Logan punches his chest in fury.

"I couldn't man, I couldn't let you go alone. This is suicide!" Philip rubs his chest trying to shake off the forceful punch.

"I told you we were done! I even quit!" Logan holds onto the side of stomach in a wince. "God damn it!" He shouts.

"Look at you, you can't even fight like this. I couldn't just leave my partner to commit suicide." Philip points at his partner's wounds.

"I had back up anyway." Logan hisses.

"You're not alone?" Philip widens his eyes.

Logan shakes his head. "My private pilot is going to help me take down this ship."

"Logan, this is crazy talk! How can one man take down an entire ship? You're not James Bond!" Philip points at Logan who slouches forward in pain.

"Watch me." Logan walks past him, hitting Philip's shoulder with his. "I'm going in, alone."

"I'm going with you." His partner insists. "Trust me, two is better than one."

"We're going to swimming towards the ship." Logan waits for the man to object.

"Swim?! Are you out of your mind? You can't even walk."

"I'll be fine." Logan shrugs. "There's more at stake than myself." Philip stays silent as the room door of the pilot opens.

The man aims a gun at Philip. "Sir?" He stares at Logan for a command.

"It's fine, Al. He's with me." His hand lowers at Al, who lowers the gun. "Sorry mate, can't be too careful these days." He chuckles.

"Haha, no harm done." Philip pats the man on the shoulder.

"Al, when the time comes. Use this." Logan unzips his duffle bag and pulls out a sniper rifle.

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