6. Escape

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I was escorted back to the room. I sat on Sam's bed waiting for her unable to process if she was coming back or not.

I waited an hour until I see two men bring her in. I immediately get up letting them lay her on the bed, but instead they toss her on the cold cement ground.

I could only hear her low groans of agony. "Sam!" I shout dropping down to my knees lifting up her head looking at her patched eye.

I pull her up as she makes an effort to stand. I help her lay on her bed lifting up the dirty sheets covering her body. "Rest." I say caressing her forehead seeing my hands shake from the electric shocks still in my body.

She slowly shuts her eye falling into a deep sleep. I walk towards my bed and sit on it thinking, just thinking on how to escape this horrible prison.

"Her!" I hear a man say pointing at me near the open doorway putting a stack of cash on the guards leather gloved hand.

My eyes widen backing up on the bed in terror.

No, not me. Not now. Not ever!

"I'm sorry, but she's taken at this moment from our personal buyer." The guard hands back the money to the middle aged Asian man.

My heart starts to slow at ease hearing those words.

I didn't want my virginity taken away from these psychos, not a chance!

I hear echoes of dress shoes approaching the room, it was him. Sinister.

My body shrinks from seeing his figure. "Hello Red." He smirks walking into the room making me move to the corner of my bed.

My heart starts to thump uncontrollably, I start to feel my breathing intensify making goosebumps appear all over my body.

Tears roll down my face unknowingly as I shake my head in dread. "No.." I whimper shutting my eyes.

Wake up, wake up!

He's not real! He's not real!

"Look at you shaking, I haven't even done anything yet." He licks his lips pulling me out of the corner of the bed leading me upstairs.

We are in the same room again, but the five women aren't here. "It's just you and I today." Sinister loosens his tie gripping the collar's hook from my neck making my head lay on his chest.

"Please.." I snivel looking up at his devilish eyes. "Don't."

His lips curve into a wide smile. "I love when they beg." Sinister makes me kneel before him. "Beg again." He grabs onto my hair putting it into a ponytail in his hand pulling it down making me look up.

I begin to sob placing my hands on his legs. "It hurts!" I shout feeling some of the strands of hair being pulled out of my scalp.

"I said beg!" Sinister knees my face making my nose crack to the left. I scream from the suffering.

I feel something warm trickle down to my mouth making me taste it. It was blood coming from my nose. "P-please." I beg in sobs.

"Yes, just like that." He pulls me up to my feet making me stand. Sinister places his hands on my body slowly moving them down to my hips.

I feel my clothes being pulled off me, being ripped leaving me half naked, only my underwear was left. "Yes, beautiful." He whisper cupping my breasts making me wail and slap his face pulling away from the uncomfortable touch.

Sinister scoffs about to punch me in the face, until the door unlocks opening it. "Enough." I hear a man shout.

The man in the fedora looks back seeing a man wearing a classic tuxedo. "I need to physically examine her first." The strange man by the door says.

Sinister only nods giving the man permission to come towards me. The man was an inch taller than Sinister who wore a mask just like the rest of the men, only his was gold.

"Are you a virgin?" He asks looking down at me as I cover my breasts with only my arms nodding at him in sniffles.

Suddenly, he grabs me by the arm and tosses me onto the bed making me scream and wrestle for freedom.

"Hold her down." He demands making Sinister pour out all of his strength to keep me from moving my upper body.

"No!" I shout in kicks feeling the man's hand travel up my thighs finally grabbing my panties pulling them down quickly.

"This will only take a second." He firmly says shoving his fingers into me making me scream into Sinister's ear. I curl my toes feeling the discomfort as he takes out his two fingers from inside me.

I look at his fingers seeing blood drip down his finger tips. "Seems like you were telling the truth." He smiles through his mask that had an opening.

Sinister lets me go as I lay on the bed panting from the countless screams.

"She's double the price you paid. Are you willing to do that?" The man asks Sinister who only nods in agreement.

"Of course, a red head is needed for my collection." He smirks walking to the corner of the other side of the bed grabbing a black bag. Sinister unzips it counting the stacks of cash giving it to the man who nods and shuts the door behind him.

It hurts.

I'm bleeding.

I feel so violated, so disgusted.

"That's the boss." Sinister smiles pulling down his pants.

I close my legs tightening them as much as I can.

No, not with you..

Not with you!

I manage to pull myself up and get off the bed running into the bathroom locking it before he can make it towards the door.

"Open the door Red! Or I swear to you I'll bust down that door and make losing your virginity a most painful memory imaginable!" Sinister punches his fists on the door.

I look around the bathroom searching for anything I can to hurt or even kill him with. There's nothing sharp I find nothing to hurt him.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and my eyes grow wide. I quickly grab a hand towel and wrap it around my arm covering my elbow.

I bash the bathroom mirror with all the strength I have making it shatter to pieces. I feel some of the pieces cut my bare skin from my thighs, I grip on the largest piece of sharp glass from the floor with the towel.

"I'm coming for you Red." I hear Sinister whisper loudly in a melody from the other side of the door while he kicks on the door.

My heart is pounding out of my chest waiting for him to bust through the door.

I'm going to stab him...I'm going to stab him right in the stomach.

"Here I come!" He shouts making me hide at the side of the door as he busts down the door. "Oh Red, where are you?" He sings walking inside. "Are you behind those curtains?"

I run towards him landing the sharp glass into his back making him howl in pain seeing the blood gush out of his back. "Guards!" He shouts turning back around as I run to the window opening it.

I hear the guards pound on the door while I jump out of the window landing on my two feet hearing my ankle crack. I bite down on my lip wincing from the pain.

I limp my way away from the warehouse hoping not to be spotted by the men around the premises.

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