22. Forgiven

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"Here, you need to eat to gain back strength." The blonde smiles as she scoops the soup into my mouth.

I look down at her casted hands,  I was immediately reminded of what she had done for me. I was the reason she had horrid things done to her, I couldn't feel more guilty than ever before.

"Sam, I want you to know something." I place my hand on her wrist. She places the soup on the nightstand and waits for me to continue.

"We've been through a lot together and I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me. I see you as a sister." I smile as she places her casted hands on my shoulder.

"I love you, like a sister. Hopefully, when we get out of here we could get a place together. I know my brother would get bored of me living in his house!" She giggles.

I couldn't help, but laugh myself. "Sam, can you keep a secret between us?" I whisper making her eyebrows raise, waiting for me to spill the goods.

"Of course!"

"Sam, I really like your brother." I wait for her response. It doesn't take a second for her to let out a squeal of joy.

"Really?! Since when?!" Her cheery smile made me feel like we were normal again.

"Since he saved me. He took me under his wing and kept me safe for as long as he could. I really like him, Sam, I-I love him. Is that a little too much?" I didn't know what to do with these feelings. I could at least poor them out to somebody, I needed advice.

"Of course not! I'm sure he cares about you a lot! Oh my god, I could just imagine a wedding! Mr. And Mrs. Gordon!" She places her hands in the air as she looks up imaging it.

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't like me at all. He's doing his job after all." I slowly crush her imagination as she comes back to reality.

"Nonsense!" She pouts grabbing the soup from the nightstand. "Come on, finish your soup sis." She giggles.

After finishing the soup, Sam exits the room, bumping into Jordan.

"Jordan, she just fell asleep." Sam informs him.

"I know, but we need to switch her to another room. I don't want anyone going into that room where my father is." He passes by her as she places her hand on his arm.

"Why don't you wait until tomorrow? She's had it rough enough."

Jordan gives in and nods. "Fine." He walks back towards his father's office.

"Jordan, are you okay?" The blonde follows him inside as he shuts the door.

"Okay? I'm far beyond okay. I'm going to jail Sam, most likely for life. Hell, maybe I'll get the death penalty." He sits on the chair beginning to tap on the desk.

"I'm scared shitless. What if something goes wrong? How can we lie about my father's disappearance for three days?"

"Jordan..." Sam tries to comfort him, but he immediately cuts her off.

"No, Sam. You don't get it. I know I deserve to go to jail, a part of me is fine with that, but the other half wants me to run away." Jordan heavily sighs.

"Jordan, do you want to do the right thing? Do you want your sister to forgive you?" Sam walks towards the man slouched on the desk in frustration.

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