14. Target

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Hearing Phil says his goodbyes to Logan I lean on the door looking down at my stomach, shuttingmy eyes at what Logan had commented to his partner.

The main door finally shuts making me walk out. "You're awake." Logan glances back locking the door.

"Yeah, I just woke up." A fake smile only appears on my face as I continue to walk into the bathroom.

Logan prepares another cup of coffee as I sit on the toilet's lid thinking about the words I overheard.

Stop thinking about it, you know you are... Stop denying it.

Getting up I begin my daily routine. "Hey, do you want anything to eat?" Logan knocks on the bathroom door.

Dabbing my face with a hand towel I finally come out. "No, I'm not hungry." Walking past him I sit on the couch staring at the dark television.

"Are you okay?" Logan walks towards me. Deciding to look at him, hesitantly I make eye contact beginning to say something.

"Can I go to the store?"

Logan makes an unpleasant face and shakes his head. "No, but I can get something for you."

"I need to go alone. I-I need to buy something private." My eyes wander to the window.

"Fine, I'll go with you and you buy what you need to. I'll stand by the door." Logan suggests grabbing his keys on the counter.

Getting up I agree as we both walk out of the apartment. Walking to the nearest store Logan stands by the door inside while I look for a pack of pregnancy tests.

I make things quick and pay for it. Logan sees me walk back to him as we walk back into the building.

Logan tries not to stare at the black bag, but I could tell he was leaning closer to look inside. I clench the bag tightly moving it away from his view.

The elevator opens letting us go back into his home. Immediately, I enter the bathroom pulling down my pants and underwear.

Desperately taking the small box out of the bag I open the pack grabbing one out of it. Throwing the box to the floor I begin to release my bladder while peeing on the stick.

I had to know if I was pregnant before anyone else, I just want it to be just me... There was no way in hell I would have Logan take me to a doctor for it.

I finish waiting for the results to show as I pull back my underwear and pants. In the meantime, time to clear the evidence.

Picking up the wrapper and box I stuff them into the black plastic bag. Staring at the test on the sink my adrenaline was pumping through my veins.

Three minutes pass and the results are in. I could see the red line beginning to form. One line meant negative, two meant positive. Only one was showing I could feel my heart regulate, the built tension flow away.

That was until the second line showed and all hopes went into the trash. I didn't know how to feel, what to do. I am pregnant with my brother's baby, his spawn.

The only thing I did know was that I didn't want this baby to be born. Tears overflow my eyes making my face wet from them. Crying lowly I decide to show Logan. Walking out of the bathroom I find him on the couch staring at the floor in depth, he looked zoned out.

I stand in front of him with the pregnancy at hand. "You were right." I whisper in a sniffle.

"What?" He snaps back into reality and gazes at me in a frown trying to figure out what I meant. His eyes wander down to my hand looking at the pregnancy test.

"Logan, you were right." Trying to hold back the tears I show it to him. He takes the stick and stares at the isotope sign.


I shake my head putting my hands on my face. "I want an abortion." Cries begin to emerge.

"Okay, we can do that." I hear him get up from the leather couch and walk towards me. "I can set it up."

Wiping away my tears, shaking my head I place my hands on his chest. "I thought I would never..." I stare into his eyes. "I thought I would never abort a child!" I scream from the pain I felt in my heart.

"You're doing the right thing." He assures me.

"I don't want this, this thing in me!" I feel him arms wrap around me into an embrace. "I want it gone!"

"It's okay, everything will be okay." His soothing voice makes me nod hoping he was right. "I'll make the call to a clinic." He rubs on my back gently as I nod wiping away my tears.

The door bell rings making us glance at the door. Logan frowns and quietly signals me into the guest room. "Lock the door." He whispers as he slowly walks to the kitchen counter.

The door bell continues to ring making him grab the gun under the counter. Logan tip toes towards the door looking out the peek hole. A man wearing a UPS uniform is all he's able to see.

"Step back and put your hands in the air!" Logan shouts.

"Uhh.. UPS, sir." The man scoffs in a chuckle.

"I said step back and put your hands up! I'm armed, you are interrupting an investigation." Logan begins to intimidate the young man who steps back and lifts up his arms.

He unlocks the door taking off the safety of the gun. The door opens as he points the gun directly at the man.

"Jesus!" The guy shuts his eyes, breathing heavily he begins to shake. "L-Listen man, I'm just a UPS guy."

Logan takes out his badge showing it to him. "Open the box."

The guy nods opening the box looking down at a new set nightstand. "See, nothing fishy." He exhales.

Logan lowers his gun. "Sorry." He pulls the box into his apartment about to shut the door.

"Wait! You need to sign." The guy takes out his pad.

"Right." Logan opens the door taking the pan signing his name. "Than-" he's cut off by his window shattering.

The elevator's sliding doors open letting out a masked man with a heavy duty bullet vest. It's  just a matter of seconds that the UPS man takes a bullet to the head making him immediately fall to the ground.

"Shit!" Logan shouts about to shut the door, but another shot is fired coming into the shattered window piercing through Logan's side, the impact makes him fall to the ground immediately bleeding out.

"Logan!" I shout hearing the echoing gunshots from my room. The masked man enters the apartment quickly taking Logan's gun tossing it to the other side of the living room.

Logan's blood smears over the floor as he tries to get up. "W-who..."

The unknown man doesn't say a word he just breaks down the door Ariel was hiding in.

I am met with a masked man pointing a shot gun at me. Screaming is the only thing I could do as he hurries to cover my mouth.

"Target acquired." He whispers into his wired mic, throwing me to the floor I begin to crawl to Logan who is staring directly at me. The man hits me in the back of my head making me black out.

A/N: How in the hell did this book get #5 in Horror?! I thought it would have never. Lol.

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