28. Family

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The boy clenches at his pants in excitement. "Ariel." Logan states.

"You have a son? I never knew.." I choke up, dusting myself off from the floor.

"Go play with your toys before we go Anthony." Logan sends his son away as he smiles down at me.

"I never thought I'd see you again..."

"Come sit." Logan holds onto my hand, pulling me towards two chairs. He said nothing for a while, he just stared at me for some time. "I adopted Anthony four months after becoming chairman."

"Oh." My eyes wander towards the children playing with their toys. "Your wife must be happy." My words came out so dry, so hurt.

"The orphanage where I adopted him from gave me some leeway. I make more than enough to support a child on my own. The foster care worker was pretty hesitant at first. Anthony and I bonded quickly. She had told me he never bonded with anybody that wanted to adopt him." Logan clears his throat. His rough hands remained on mine. I could feel his warmth, I could feel safe again, even if it was just for a moment. "I have no wife Ariel."

"Anthony's parents were killed in a bank robbery. He had no other relatives." Logan continues.

"The boy is lucky to have you Logan." I pat his hand with my own. He tightens his grip around my hands and sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" My eyes widen at his pained expression.

"For pushing you away. I didn't think I could live with myself after the death of Sam. I didn't feel worthy to have anyone by my side."

"Logan.." My heart pounds against my chest like a beating drum as he gets closer.

"For all these eight months I haven't thought of anyone else, but you." He whispers. "You're like water. I need you."

I felt like my heart was melting away. "But you...you pushed me away."

"I know. I'm sorry, I just wasn't ready. I felt unworthy. I've missed you for eight months, everyday." Logan places a hand on my cheek. "You're the one for me, Ariel. You're the one I need."

His lips brush against mine. I could feel his hot breath against my lips. "Please, be mine." His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer towards his chest. I didn't say a word, I only stole a kiss from him. Feeling his soft lips made me feel bliss. I've been yearning for this moment.

"Yes, I'll be yours." I whisper in a pant.

"Forever." Logan adds ready to place another passionate kiss.

"I'm not going anywhere." I add as the children stand in front of us making disgusted expressions. "Ewww." They howled as we both laugh at the sight of them.

Logan and I stared down at the tombstones in the cemetery. "I haven't come in so long." He stares at his sister's name engraved on the stone.

"I come every week to clean their stones and place new flowers." I pick up the dead flowers and place new ones on their gravestone. "At least they are buried next to each other. That's what they would've wanted."

"Yeah." Logan sighs. "Don't blame yourself for her death. It wasn't your fault." I clench onto his arm.

"I know. It'll just take time to heal the pain." Logan places a kiss on my forehead. "With you by my side, I can do anything."

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