4. Unknown

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Logan Gordon walks the clear sidewalk where Ariel was abducted, searching for any clue possible. It was recently shoveled making it harder to find evidence that was there that night.

There has to be something here, anything.

He thought to himself searching the cement ground and alleyways. "Let's speak to the guy who shoveled the snow out." Phil Ross says pointing at the man who owned a Ralph Lauren store who was inside.

They walk into the clothing store showing their badges to the man in the front of the register. "When you were shoveling the snow from the front of your shop did you find anything? Clothes, an object, anything." Gordon asks pointing out the door.

"I didn't shovel the snow I made a kid do it for ten bucks." The man says fixing his hair. "Can't you see I'm too fabulous to be shoveling out there, in the cold?" He puckers his lip rubbing lip gloss on them.

Phil rolls his eyes sighing heavily. "Well do you know where to find this kid?"

The preppy man nods ripping a piece of paper from his notepad writing down the address. "He's my neighbor, his name is Jimmy Tompkins. Usually wears a yellow coat, hard to miss him. He shouldn't give you any trouble." He chews on his gum with a smile. "Y'all take care of ya selves. Especially you, handsome." He winks at Gordon.

"Thank you for your time." Gordon grabs the piece of paper and smiles awkwardly walking out of the shop with Phil.

"Especially you handsome." Phil mimics the high pitched voice of the shop owner mocking Logan bursting in laughter. "Maybe, when we're done with the investigation you could get some ass, Literally." Phil pats him on the shoulder trying to hold back more of his laughter.

"Shut up Phil." Logan frowns entering the cop car driving to the location on the piece of paper.

Twenty minutes pass and they park in front of a bricked house seeing the boy with a yellow coat shoveling the snow off the front lawn.

"That must be the kid." Phil says getting out of the car. "Hey kid!" He yells walking over to him.

Logan gets out of the car joining his partner. "Word on the street is that you shovel snow for cash." Phil smiles.

"Yeah?" The boy with dirty blonde hair looks no more than eleven years old. He looks like he was going to be a stereotypical bad boy when he grows up.

"The man who owns the Ralph Lauren shop in this town told us you shoveled the snow from the front of his shop." Logan says looking down at the boy who stopped shoveling the snow.

"The faggot? Yeah, I did and who are you?" He looks up at both of the detectives.

Phil takes out his badge. "F.B.I, so start talking big bird."

The boy frowns hesitating to speak. "What do you want to know?" He finally asks looking at Logan, ignoring the other detective.

"Did you find anything while you were shoveling?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, a ski hat." The boy digs into his coat pocket taking out a white hat. "I found this." The boy gives it to Logan looking away from him.

"This is what Ariel was wearing in the video." Logan says to Phil. "Did you see anything?" He asks looking back at the boy who looks around aide to side leaning closer to Logan.

"Don't tell my mama about this. I wasn't even suppose to be out late at night, but cash is cash" The boy's tone becomes worrisome.

"We won't." Logan says in a nod.

"I saw this girl get taken away by some guy in a black mask. I hid in the alley way before they could spot me. After that I went running home. I swear!" He anxiously says.

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