26. Love

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We could hear the stomping of their boots, running down every metal step. I could hear the women begin to cry in fright as they demanded for answers.

They were finally getting close, and I wondered where my brother went? Maybe I do care about him after all.

Jordan climbs up the highest crate possible, laying down flat on his stomach hearing the men run in.

"Break it up, search for them!" Their father roars in fury. Jordan's heart compresses against his chest. He could feel each thumping sound, hoping he wouldn't be caught.

The men begin to search around the crates, searching every dark corner there was. "Search the crates! All of them!" Their father announces again. "I want them dead!"

The men sigh staring at the 205 crates. "Yes sir!" They shout beginning to open the crates. Sweat drops down Jordan's forehead onto the metal roof.

I could hear the men beginning to open some of the crates. Sam and I remain all the way in the back, sitting on a box. We try to remain quiet as possible as I place my hand over her mouth.

Sam had still been weeping from my brother's disappearance. She had thought about the worst case scenario.

Thirty minutes pass, I could hear the footsteps approaching us. "Sir, there's nothing here. They're probably somewhere else, the boiler room maybe?"

It was dark in this crate, it was hot. Anxiety began to take over, so many thoughts in my head cramped into one. Claustrophobia begins to set right after. My breathing intensifies, my chest tightens. Sam quickly places me on her lap.

"Shut your eyes." She whispers. "Just hear my voice." I do as I'm told, trying to ignore the men outside.

"We've checked almost every crate in here." One of the men shouts. "They aren't here." Another agrees.

"Move out." I hear my father shout in such a forceful manner. He wasn't the father I knew when I was younger. He was now a monster, he had always been one. The nice man I knew was just an illusion...

We could hear them marching away as I let out a heavy sigh. Sam finally releases my arm from her tight grip. There was silence right after, but inside my mind I still wandered where Jordan had gone.


I have come back, it's been a while. I have new thoughts in my head right now. I've found a woman that I care about in this awful place.

Her name is Sam, she's beautiful. But I've wronged her, just like I've wronged my sister.

Journal, today I confess...

To all my sins....

I am writing this as evidence. My written last words.

God, I know I'm going to die. I can feel it, I feel my ending is near. If anything were to happen to me, this book will be in the right hands.

My father never died, he faked his own death to run the 'family business,' human trafficking. I knew all along. I began to work beside him, honor him as a great leader.

I admit that I, Jordan Reed have kidnapped my own sister, kept her as a sex slave just like the rest of these women on the ship. I admit to raping her and abusing her.

I Jordan Reed is guilty of torturing Sam Gordon. I am affiliated with this human trafficking system and my father being head leader.

I've wondered why the FEDS could never stop us, never find us. Until now, searching through the piles of my father's papers I've found the list of crooked cops, detectives willing to cover his tracks. Detective Philip Ross is one of them. He's crooked, he's in the human trafficking, helping us.

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