17. Aborting the Self

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He takes off his mask as he turns around revealing me his identity. I immediately choke up my words, my throat becomes dry like the desert. "D-dad..." My vision become blurry, my body is numb. I can feel myself falling, but my stare remains at my father. Everything goes black.

I'm awoken by light strokes on my head making me struggle, throwing my hands up in the air I begin to scream.

"Shhh! Shhhh!" I hear the womanly hushes as she pushes her hand against my mouth. I look up as she strokes my hair again making me widen my eyes at her.

"S-Sam!" I muffle as she extracts her castes hand from my mouth. "You...you're alive!" Turning around I hug her as tightly as horrible making her groan from pain.

"Not so tight, Ariel." She mumbles placing her casted hands on her arms.

"What happened to your hands?" I gasp placing my hands over the as she shakes her head as she begins to tear up.

"They took out my fingernails." She lays her head on my shoulder as she weeps lowly.

I rub her back gently as I lightly whisper into her ear. "Your brother is still looking for you. Logan is the detective that found me."

Sam pulls away from me in a shocked expression. "L-Logan." She wipes away her tears with her injured hands. "It's been years..."

"Sam, he's coming. He's coming for us both. I told him you were still alive!" My tone becomes cheery again as her facial expression does too.

"But what will you do with this?" She questions while she places her hand on my stomach.

"You mean...you know..." Pushing her hand away I heavily sigh.

"The man in the golden mask is your father, he told me you are pregnant with-" I cut her off with my words.

"My brother's spawn." I begin to cry. "My father is to blame for all of this! All this time I thought he was dead!" I shout beginning to punch the bed in rage. "Why?! Why?!" My tantrums are of a child as the doors open making me throw the pillow at my brother.

"You fucking pig!" I scream. Jordan walks into the room without saying a word. He stands next to Sam as I grit my teeth at him. "Look what you've done to me! You lied to me!"

"I had to lie to you." Jordan finally exhales heavily.

"Don't you dare! Don't you even dare say it like that!" I point at him. "Saying it as if you feel bad!"

"I told you our parents died in a car crash because it was better than saying our father left us for a sex trafficking business!" Jordan slams his hands on the edge of the bed. "You want to know the truth?! The truth about what our family is!"

My body begins to shake uncontrollably as Sam holds onto my shoulders beginning to massage them to calm me down.

"Our family name has owned this business for thirty years! Our father was the next in line after his father passed away! Our mother, she was sold into his sickening business!" Jordan breathes heavily as his pale skin turns pink from the non stop words coming out of his mouth.

"Our father raped our mother and forced her to have us! Then, he killed her after we were of age!" Jordan holds his tongue placing his hands on his face.

"I've lied to you all this time. Thinking I was doing the right thing, and in the process I went crazy myself." He weeps looking into my eyes. "Father told me I'm the next heir, I had to prove my commitment to this shit!"

"We could've ran away! You could've told the police!"

"If I did he would kill me! He had cameras in our apartment. We even have trackers in our bodies, for christ sakes!"

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