9. Ruined

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WARNING: Disturbing sexual content, may be offensive to some readers.

Every time I closed my eyes I would relive the moment where Sam's eye got pulled out of her socket, the bolts traveling through my body.

I tossed and turned on the hospital bed unable to sleep. I could only replay the moment on my head non stop.

So I just stared up at the ceiling until my eyes gave into sleep, but when I wake up I see his face, Jordan's face staring at me as he sits on the chair next to my hospital bed and that's all it takes to remind myself that I'm still a slave.


"Go home." I scoff, gritting my teeth frowning at him. He's been staying in that same chair for a week, not letting me out of his sight.

"Why? So you can call 911 and have me arrested, huh?!" He gets up from the chair leaning closer to my face. "You think I'm stupid?" He whispers as I feel his spit hit my lips and nose.

"Fuck you." I spit on his face watching my saliva slim down from his forehead to the tip of his nose.

Jordan lays a slap on my left cheek making my face follow the hit to the side. He wipes the spit off his face with his white sleeve.

"It's been a week, guess what that means?" Jordan grins.

I remain silent looking away from him, unable to do anything.

The doctor walks into the room nodding at Jordan. "I have the release papers ready." He hands the forms to Jordan who signs quickly.

Jordan puts down the pen dropping a plastic bag on my bed. "Get dressed, we're going home." The doctor and my brother walk out of the room leaving me to my privacy.

I get up from the bed taking out the fresh clothes from the bag. I take off my hospital dress, putting on my own clothes. I tuck the detective's card inside my front Adidas pants pocket.

I walk out of the room seeing Jordan wait for me, putting his arm around my shoulder firmly.

"I got kicked out of our apartment, so I moved somewhere more excluded." He smirks as we walk out of the hospital, into a car I have never seen before."

"Do you like it?" Jordan locks the doors preparing to drive. "This is my gift to myself from all the money I made."

"From all the women you kidnapped.." I say under my breath.

Jordan frowns in a scoff beginning to drive out of the hospital's parking lot.

The trip was awkward and silent, the radio was the only thing comforting me now. I look out the window watching the 'welcome' sign go by seeing the road ahead as we pass the forest of oak trees.

"Do you remember when mom and dad used to take us camping?" Jordan lowers the volume of the radio.

I nod keeping my stares at the road ahead. "Ahh, those were the good ol' days, sadly it didn't last long." I feel a sudden uncomfortable touch on my thigh making me jump.

I immediately slap his hand away in disgust. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"We're here." Jordan completely ignores me as we enter the forest farther away from the road. It was ten minutes later until I spot a red bricked house in front of us.

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