10. Safe?

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I stay in the shower for two hours, just standing below the shower head as it washed away the remaining blood.

"Disgusting, disgusting." I kept repeating in a whisper as I picked at my skin causing it to peel.

I peeled, and peeled until the pink surface began to show causing blood to we put from it.

It burns, it burns like hell when the water tapped on my recently peeled skin.

I had swept the soap on my body at least ten times and I still felt...dirty.
I decide to get out of the shower because I hear Jordan calling me from the living room, if it was up to me I would live in here for the rest of my life.

I put on drag clothing and limp out of the bathroom. I couldn't walk right, for some reason it felt weird.

Was this what happens when you lose your virginity?

It felt like I still had him inside me, I couldn't erase the images they only kept repeating non stop.

I stand five feet away from him hoping he would just say what he had to say. "I need to run an errand, you be a good girl and stay here until I come back." Jordan firmly says pouting at the edges of the ceiling walls. "You see those, they're cameras. So I'll be watching your every move from my phone."

I look up staring at the small black cameras. I could only nod not able to even look at him.

"Good." My brother smiles walking towards me making me step back quickly. "Hmph, seems your still a bit shaky." Jordan grunts walking to the door, exiting the house.

I immediately run to the nearest window looking out of it seeing my brother get into his car and drive off.

I doubt there were any phones in the house, but I had to get out of here and the only way out was to run out.

I waited twenty minutes making sure there was a good amount of distance between Jordan and the house. I enter his room and look through every jacket finding quarters, immediately I take them and run downstairs exiting the house.

I didn't know where I was, but I knew if I retraced the car's steps I could get back to town. I keep myself on the side of the road, jogging on the dirt as the trees around me made it harder for drivers to see me.

I could only run for thirty minutes and after that I had to continue to walk. Finding a pay phone as my top priority, then I could call the detective.

It takes an hour and thirty minutes to find a row of pay phones. I rush towards one spotting a gas station feet away from the phones.

I desperately put in the quarters dialing the number from the card the detective had given me.

"This is detective Gordan." I heard the voice of hope answer.

"I-it's me, Ariel." I begin to panic and look around me in hopes my brother wouldn't appear before me .

"Ariel? Where are you? We've been looking for you. The landlord told us you and your brother moved.

"Detective, please listen to me! I'm in danger! I need you to come pick me up!" I whimper.

"Where are you?" Logan questions in worry.

"Right out of town. I'm close to a gas station by the pay phones." I squeeze the handle of the phone tightly. "Please hurry, I don't know when he'll come back." Whispering into the phone I feel a grip on my shoulder.

I immediately scream as I am swayed around in a circle. "What the hell are you doing here?" The familiar voice questions in a demanding manner.

My eyes widen at my savior. "Detective Ross!" I cry immediately embracing him into a hug.

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