12. His Dirty Secret

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"Excuse me father, I don't want to defy your actions, but why did we have to torture her? We already know Logan Gordon is in on it." Jordan washes off the blood on his hands in the sink.

"Because when he finds his dear ol' sister, I want him to feel responsible for his failure. I want to see the face of pain and suffering." His father chuckles.

Jordan remains silent looking at the ground. "Is this all even worth it?" He mutters under his breath.

"What?!" His father grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pushes him against the wall. "Speak up!"

"Is this even worth it?! It will be a matter of time before the cops find us!" Jordan shouts pushing his father off him. "I don't want to go to jail!"

"You're having second thoughts, huh?" The man takes off his mask and lets in a tall buff man inside the room. "How cute." He points at the sweaty man and nods.

The man grins and walks towards Jordan. He stares down at him and jabs him on the stomach with his fist. Jordan lets out an instant groan of pain  making him cringe to the ground.

The hefty man keeps beating him until he was sufficed and pulls him up to a nearby tool table. He drops down his pants frantically taking a long stare at Jordan's heavy breathing as he bleed from his mouth.

"I think you need a little push to set you straight." His father frowns watching the man pull out his member and pull down Jordan's jeans.

"No!" Jordan cries trying to fight off the man. "I understand, I understand!" He keeps shouting until his father pats on the sweaty man.

"Good, I'm glad we understand each other." His father cracks his knuckles and puts his mask back on. "We're moving the cargo to India. I think we will be safe there." With that said he exits the room.

The middle aged man leans closer to Sam who is covered in the stench of her own blood. "Don't worry, it'll all be over soon." He chuckles into her ear and caresses her drained face.

Its been a week and I haven't been able to sleep, I'm too frightened to. I decide to exit the guest room and find nobody in the living room and kitchen. The lights were all turned off, only the moonlight shines the place.

"Logan?" I whisper knocking on his room door. "L-Logan.." I wait to see if he would open the door, but he doesn't. I walk to the couch and turn on the lamp next to it. Turning on the T.V, a door catches my attention.

It was in the opposite corner of my room. Logan hadn't spoke about it, which made me the more curious. I grab the remote control and lower the volume of the T.V.

I stand up from the couch and walk towards the black door. "Logan? Are you in there?" I question loudly about to open the door.

"What are you doing?" His firm tone makes me jolt. I turn away from the door and look at Logan walk out of his room in a squint.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I watch him walk towards me in a yawn.

"Were you just going in there?" He raises an eyebrow ignoring my question.

"I-I thought you might have been in there." I cower away once I realize he was only wearing his boxers.

He waves me over to him as I hesitantly wake towards him. I was closer now, and I could see his toned muscles, a six pack from the moon light that shines on him.

My body weakens from the sight. I couldn't help, but stare in embarrassment. "Don't go in there, do you hear me?"

His concerned tone made me snap out of my gawks and question him. "Why not?" I sounded like a child.

"Because I'm telling you not to, it's for your own good." He warns grabbing my arm gently making me jump.

"Go back to bed." He demands pushing me to the guest room's direction.

"But, I can't sleep." A protest comes out of my lips in a slight pout.

Logan sighs heavily putting his hand over his sleepy face. "Fuck it, just don't go in that room. Understood?" He raises his index finger at me as if he was scolding me.

"Okay." I nod sitting back on the leather couch. Logan shakes his head making his way back into his room.

Thirty minutes pass, the show American Dad had finished. It kind of cheered up my mood, but I had nothing else to watch that catches my interest.  I turn my head to the suspicious door and stare back at the television.

He said not to go in, you need to respect that Ariel. I think to myself getting up from the couch.

But he said for my own good? What does that mean? I tip toe my way in front of the door hoping the floor tiles wouldn't creek.

It can't be so bad. I shake my head and turn the knob of the door. Letting myself in, I see nothing but pitch black.

Sliding my hands on the walls to find the switch I turn the light on. My body turns with anticipation and curiosity as my whole being freezes in horror.

My eyes grow wide, my heart sinks to my stomach. It's a room filled with the same equipment from the warehouse. I place my hand over my mouth trying not to scream.

The door opens making me cringe in a corner thinking this was the end. Logan locks the door spotting me. There was a sigh that escapes his lips as he comes towards me.

"No, get away!" I shout throwing my hands in the air ready to fight him off.

"Relax." He calmly says. "I'm not-"

"No!" I push him out of the way trying to unlock the door. "Somebody help me!" I scream from the top of my lungs.

"Sh!" Logan shushes me by putting his hand over my mouth. "Relax!" He says making us sit on the carpeted floor.

Tears roll down my eyes as I muffle cries. "Please, please don't kill me."

"What? I'm not going to kill you." He pushes me against his warm body in an embrace. "Just relax for a minute." His soothing voice makes me wonder why he wasn't overreacting.

The beating of his heart thumps on my ear as I lay on his chest. The tension of my body begin to ease, but I was still confused on what to think of him.

"I'll explain everything, just promise me you won't scream." His hand remains over my mouth. I only let out a whimper.

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