18. Injuries, Fractions & Blood

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"Logan? Logan??" The voice of Phil echoes through his eardrums making him groan in displeasure.

"P-Phil?" Logan mutters waking up from his slumber.

"Hey man! Finally, you wake up." Phil pats him on the shoulder. Logan quickly widen his eyes raising himself to a sit up motion. A shot of pain travels up his chest making him fall back to the bed.

"Ariel! Where is she?! Have you found her?!" He questions his partner who only shakes his head.

"You should be resting. I'm taking care of the case."

Logan frantically searches around the room. "Somebody came in and shot me. They took Ariel! How could you not find her?!"

Phil places his hand on Logan's chest putting pressure on it. "You need to relax." He tries to make his partner lie back down, but Logan refuses to cooperate.

"I can't rest!" Logan shouts trying to sit up as Phil prevents him. "Get off of me Phil!" He warns. His wound begins to leak out blood into the bandage making him groan from the pain. Logan finally lays back down unable to retain himself.

"I told you I'm taking care of it! Don't you trust your own partner?" Phil shakes his head in a scowl. Logan sighs heavily in a nod.

"We found a dead body in your house. The poor son of a bitch was there at the wrong time." Phil exhales. "We examined the bullet from the side of your stomach. The hand gun that was used was not in the system. They used an unregistered gun."

Logan slams his fist on the bed gritting his teeth. "Anything on Ariel?"

"I'm working on it." Phil reassures him as the doctor walks in.

"Good morning, how's our patient doing?" The woman smiles getting closer to Logan.

"I'm fine. When can I go home?" He replies in a vexed manner.

The doctor looks at the monitor and his recent bleeding wound. "It seems you've opened up a few stitches." She raises an eyebrow looking back at her clipboard. "Mr. Gordon, You've been in a coma for three weeks. The ambulance had to revive you, your heart stopped beating for approximately five minutes." She looks back at her patient who only places his hand on his forehead. "Three weeks..."

"Man, didn't you hear her?! she said you fucking died for five minutes!" Phil shouts.

"I will have to conduct further tests on you. You will be able to go home in a week from now." The doctor smiles writing on her clipboard.

"A week?! No! i'm telling you I'm fine!" Logan snaps trying to sit up from the bed again. "I need to be on this case!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Gordon, the tests are necessary." She lastly says walking out of the room.

"Listen to the doc." Phil walks towards the door. "I'll be right back." He exits leaving Logan alone as he tosses the glass of water on the nightstand in frustration.



"How is she?!" Ariel and Jordan's father shouts gripping onto the woman's arm.

"S-she's not in a good state, sir." She quivers out of fear as he pushes her against the bed his daughter was in.

"Then fucking explain what's wrong with her!" He slaps the back of her head making her whimper.

The blonde woman nods looking back at him as tears run down her face. "The results came back and she has four fractured ribs, a broken arm, and a ruptured uterus." She signals every part of  his daughter's body.

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