20. Time Bomb

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"Shit!" Philip mutters running after his partner.

"Hey, hey man!" He shouts pacing himself. "You can't just quit! We've been partners for years!"

"Philip, don't try to change my mind. I quit and that's final." Logan stands on the sidewalk beginning to hail a taxi while holding onto his side.

"Just look at you man, you're bleeding all over the sidewalk. How about we wait until you're fully healed." Philip suggests. "I'll give you a ride back to the hospital."

"No Philip. This is where we part ways." Logan firmly says walking towards a cabbie.

"Don't do this Logan." Philip warns.

"I have to." He hides his bloody side and gets inside the cab. His partner watches him leave as he walks to his car.

"Shit!" Philip shouts. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He slams his hands on the steering wheel creating various honks in the parking lot.

"You know something?" Jordan watches Sam fidget in her chair.

Sam looks at Jordan standing next to her and shakes her head. "What?"

"I'm scared right now." He whispers, eyeing the desk in front of them. "I don't know what to expect anymore, I don't know what my father will have me do now..."

Sam stays silent, only fidgeting more as they hear footsteps approaching the room.

"Well?" Jordan's father sits on the chair behind his desk folding his hands on it.

"She hasn't woken up yet." Jordan taps on his chair lightly.

He lets out a heavy sigh and glares at both of them. "I can't wait any longer. Jordan I have assigned you your new victim."

"Father, we can wait a little longer. I know she'll wake up soon." Jordan pleads.

"No, you will continue the cycle with someone else. I've found the perfect girl that will bless you with a child." The man in the golden mask chuckles.

Jordan sighs and nods in agreement. "Who's the girl?" He says in a guilty tone.

"Next to you." The man points at Sam.
She quickly stands up from the chair, shaking her head in terror.

"No,no! Why me?! I'm in no shape to even have intercourse!" She panics.

"Nonsense, you're perfect. I've seen you two work well from taking care of Ariel. You two get along. You're the perfect candidate for my son!"

"No! I won't be his! I won't!" She tries to make a break for it, but Jordan grips her by the arms and pushes her against the wall.

"Please, Jordan! Don't do this to me!" She whispers in a shaky tone.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "Don't worry father, I will do it."

"Excellent!" The man cheers. Jordan nods at his father taking Sam into another room.

"No, no, Jordan! You don't have to do this, please!" Sam begs dropping to her knees.

Jordan stares down at her in silence.

"Oh god! Please!" She screams.

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