3. Sold

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I start to cough excessively from the smoke of the cigarette filling the room. This was her second smoke today in just a matter of hours. "Can you stop puffing on that thing already?" I cover my nose and mouth with my hand muffling my words.

"Sorry, It's a habit." Sam exhales from her mouth making the smoke travel out the room. "You're taking this pretty swell." She puts out the cigarette leaving her no choice, but to throw it on the floor due to no trash bin.

"I'm surprised too. Maybe, it's because I'm still in denial that this isn't a dream." I rub my hands together, shivering from the cold entering the room from the outside. The warehouse had no doors to close. It was always open making the rain, snow, and cold breezes enter every second.

We hear footsteps approach our room, I could see the shadows becoming larger as they enter the room.  "You!" A man with a shot gun point at me. "Come here." He demands.

I hesitantly hop out of the bed walking towards the man who grabbed my arm firmly pulling me out, walking me past all the rooms through the hallway. I saw all the girls faces, they looked drained as if they had the life sucked out of them.

We make it to the end of the hallway where there were two stair cases leading downstairs and upstairs. The man walks me down the stairs where there were men in suits inspecting the new girls that came in with me. "She's the only red head." The man gripping on my arm announces making the men in the suits glance at me like a pack of wolves.

"Ten thousand." I hear a man say raising his hand. He was an elderly man who had grey hair and a grey mustache.

"No, two hundred thousand!" Another shouts.

"Come on guys! The boss wants more than that!" The man shouts shaking my body back and forth with one hand.

"Five hundred thousand." A man in an all black suit with a fedora says in a smirk. All the men withdrew their bets accepting defeat.

"All yours." The man lets me go pushing me towards the man who hands the cash to the man.

And that's when I was sold.

Sold like merchandise.

Sold to be a slave and be treated like one.

"You'll be a marvelous addition to my collection." He grins taking out a neck collar with silver spikes from his pants pocket putting it around my neck.

He connects a leash to my collar pulling me towards him. "What is your name?" His coffee brown eyes pierce through mine like daggers making me stare down at the floor in dismay. "I demand your name!" He shouts pulling on my collar making my neck snap forward. I wince at the choking pain looking up at him. "A-Ariel." I stammer.

"Ah, just like the little mermaid." He simpers. "Well, you are Ariel no more. Your name shall be Red, however you will respond to other names like pet and slave. Understood?" He whispers into my ear making my legs quiver and frown in disgust. I watch as the men all whisper among themselves looking at this man in the fedora shaking their heads.

We walk upstairs to the main floor where the rooms were, we keep walking up the staircase revealing a whole different atmosphere. The walls were painted wine red, there were chandeliers hanging from the white ceiling.

The floor was cleaner than the rest of the two floors making the dark grey tiles shimmer. I see many doors in rows through the hallway with numbers on them, like a hotel. I could hear the screams of the women inside.

We enter a room that had a queen sized bed and a mirror. I hear muffles and whimpering coming from the room, but I don't see anyone. I begin to panic breathing heavily as I hear the door slam shut, hearing the door lock. "Welcome to my room, where all the magic happens!" He chuckles.

I frantically look around searching for a weapon to use against him. I feel a tug on my collar making my neck snap forward again.

The man leads me to another door next to the bathroom, he opens it revealing five women with their arms chained up to the ceiling with muzzles in their mouths. They cringe at the sight of him.

The walls were painted beige and there were many shelves that had torture equipment. The tiles were marble black and I could see dried up blood on the walls from the back of the room.

I widen my eyes looking at these poor girls with bruises and cuts on their bare skin, they stood completely naked crying to themselves. I look away seeing the disturbing images, I could feel tears coming out of my eyes.

What is this place?

What's going to happen to me?

Am I going to die here?

"Don't look away, look at the beauties I've collected and soon you will be up there too." He starts to massage my shoulders making them more tense.

I look at the five girls from different races, one was Asian, the other was Indian, another was African American. The other was Hispanic and the final was a British woman who was blonde and now, he had a red head girl that was American.

The unknown man starts to take off the chains from their arms making them fall to the ground with deep purple marks from the tightly wrapped chains. They sat like dogs waiting for a command staring at the man who looked down upon them as their superior.

"Take them off." He calmly demands in a grin. The women take the muzzles out of their mouths inhaling fresh air as much as they can. "Say hello to your new playmate, Red." He caresses my wavy hair gently.

They say nothing, they only stared at me in sympathy. "Now, take off your clothes." He starts to undo my wool coat quickly.

"No!" I scream in anxiousness pushing him away from me with all my strength. I detach the leash from the collar and run out of room searching for a weapon, anything to protect myself against this maniac.

I run towards the front door feeling a grip on my hair pulling me back landing on his chest. "Fuck off!" I scream turning around punching him in the face.

The man groans throwing me to the bed, laying on me tearing open my blouse. "No!" I shut my eyes tightly pushing my fingers into his eyes feeling the slimy texture of his eyeballs.

The man gets off me and shouts in pain covering his eyes. "You bitch!"

I pant getting off the bed rushing towards the single window next to the bed. I open it putting my leg out of the window. It was a three story warehouse and I knew I could make the jump if I landed correctly. I was willing to take a risk to get out of this hell hole.

I put my other leg out ready to jump out to my freedom, until I feel various grips around my body pulling me back in. I look back seeing the five women pull me inside. "W-what are you doing?!" I shout struggling from their firm grips feeling their nails carve into my skin.

"It's whats best." I hear the African American woman whisper into my ear. The Asian woman shuts the window as the rest bow to the man who grits his teeth and clutches my neck slamming my head against the wall. I let out a cry seeing double, feeling him throw me to the floor dragging me into the other room.

I feel him chain my arms up making me hang from the chains attached to the ceiling. "Oh, I'm going to have fun torturing you." He chuckles taking out a key to his safe walking towards it unlocking the safe taking out a mini stun gun walking back towards me.

"I am God and nobody defies me!" He shouts shocking me on my left rib cage with the stun gun on my bare skin as my torn blouse loosely flows from my hanging body making me scream in agony.

"You shall be punished." He grins shocking me again as the women watch in horror.


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