5. Sight

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May be offensive to readers. Read at your own risk. You have been warned.

I sleep through the whole day. I have never fallen into a long slumber before, maybe it was because of what happened last night.

I grew tired just by one night of torture, just imagine when weeks have passed.

I slowly open my eyes looking up at the dark grey ceiling.

Huh? Where am I?


That's right.

This is home now.

I hear the bed next to me creaking. I could hear the groans of a man.
My frown at the sound looking at Sam's bed.

I see her.

I see her on the bed naked as the man thrusts himself inside her, but she stays in total silence shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth in disgust.

I widen my eyes seeing the horror. I could feel myself about to lunge at this stranger like a wild animal and bash his head in with my own fists.

His moans and groans upset my stomach. I sit up from my bed ready to act out my plan of hitting him in the head with my fists.

But Sam spots me and starts to shake her head. She put her index finger on her lips as if telling me to be quiet.

The man was young and muscular. He was ebony and his skin shined against the dim light that hit his back.

His groans intensifies exiting himself from her and pulls her hair forward making her positron herself like a dog.

He releases himself in her mouth and she doesn't object, but I could see tears coming down her cheeks.

"Swallow it!" He shouts gripping on her scalp, but she doesn't.

The man slaps her with the back of his veiny hand. "I said swallow!"

Sam touches her bruised cheek and spit out his load onto his face making it drip down his chin to the bed.

"You skank!" The man shouts wiping off his own seamen from his face kicking her in the stomach making her yelp.

"Enough!" I shout hopping out of the bed jumping on his back choking him from behind with my arms.

It's not what I had planned at all, but at least I was doing something. Right?

The man tries to get me off with his bare ashy hands, he has no luck.

He walks to the nearest wall backing up into it full force making me shriek from the cement wall hitting my back, I quickly get off gasping for air.

"Guards!" The man shouts as I hear them run towards the room.

"Next time swallow your own cüm!" Sam shouts kicking him in the crotch as four guards enter pinning her down.

And the other two grab my arm pinning me to the wall wrapping rope around my wrists tightly.

"Walk!" They shout exiting the room walking us down the the basement where they sold me.

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