19. No Limits

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"Jordan, she's waking up!" I hear Sam's voice whisper. My eyes open slowly beginning to squint.

I hear myself moan and groan from the excruciating pain shooting up my body.

"Ariel?" I feel a light tap on my shoulder. Looking to the side I see Sam.

"We can't tell my dad she's awake." Jordan shakes his head unwilling to do so. Sam only nods looking at me in worry.

My mouth is dry like the dessert and my lips feel chapped. "Water..." I whisper lowly in a cough making me groan again from the pain on my ribs and abdomen.

Jordan hurriedly gets a cup of water from the pitcher and hands it to Sam. She proceeds to place the cup on my lips as I sip from it.

After refreshing my dry throat I stare at both of them in question. "What's....going on?"

"Just look at yourself." Jordan sighs. "You got broken ribs, a broken arm." He points out the body parts making me look at them.

"Do you remember what happened?" Sam asks caressing my hair.

I stay silent for a minute trying to remember what had happened to me. Three minutes pass and I nod in shame. I could feel myself beginning to tear up.

"I-I tried to kill myself, I tried to-to kill this baby." I burst into tears feeling every part of my body in immense pain.

Sam looks back at Jordan and Jordan states back at her as if they had to tell me something.

"Ariel..." Sam holds onto my hand. "The baby, it's gone. The doctor had to remove it surgically."

"It worked." Jordan simply says. "You succeeded in killing it. It died on impact."

Becoming overwhelmed I couldn't do much but cry some more. "I-I had to. I had to." I whisper to Sam in a whimper.

"The doctor told me to tell you that you did nothing wrong. The baby would've been born with defects." Sam rubs my hand. I could feel the pity in her eyes.

"There's something else..." Jordan adds getting closer to the bed. Sam immediately shoots a death glare at him. "Not now." She warns him.

"Now is the perfect time." Jordan stares at me and sighs again. "When you fell not only did you kill the baby, but you ruptured your uterus too."

"W-what?" I shake my head trying to take all these news at once. "But, I can still have children?" I look back at Sam who only stares at Jordan. "Right?!"

"No, the doctor said it's unlikely." Jordan adds.

I hold in my cries and nod. "Well, this is my punishment. I've killed and now I can't give life."

"Listen, dad can't know you woke up." My brother lowly says. "He knows about the baby, he knows about you not being able to conceive again."

"So?" Wiping away the tears I wait for Jordan to explain himself.

"Meaning he has no use for you anymore. He's going to kill you."

"If that bastard wanted to kill me he would've done it already." I try to sit up from the bed, but my wounds wouldn't let me.

"It's because he still wants us to try again." Jordan heavily sighs. "To see if you really can conceive."

"I rather die." I stare him down in utter disgust.

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