27. Aftermath

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i can practically hear your squeals of excitement as you see that i finally updated this book. trust me, i'm excited too.

trust me, after this chapter, things are gonna start getting more fun with both vin and klara & dylan and leah. what did we say their shipnames were, again?

Klin? Vlara?

Deah??? Lelan???

i don't even know. coming up with ship names is your issue. i'm just here to select the winning options :-)

happy reading!!! make sure to vote & comment!

p.s.: i love harry styles and luke hemmings.... in case you didn't know already :-)


Chapter 27—Aftermath

Klara's POV:

"Yeah, I was expecting that," I stated, cheeks puffed as I blew out some air at the sight of the video playing on the TV in front of me.

"Jeez, Klara, I'm surprised you didn't knock her out," Dad sounded, his own eyes staring intently at the screen as he pointedly ignored the disapproving glare Mum shot him.

It was next morning after my slight not-so brawl with Beth, and I can safely say that I am not at all surprised at the fact that there was a video of me punching the bitch out circling the Internet and was all over the media on television. I had woken up this morning to a shit ton of people tweeting me about it—most of them finding the whole thing amusing—but there were people out there, mostly those stupid gossip sites and crap, saying how I had gotten too out of control.

They'll do anything to fucking tear a person down.

So here we were, standing in the living room as E! News replayed the video and talked about the visible content of it. But they were merely making speculations of what happened that may have led to the fight, saying that the details of it were not yet heard of. Although, I'm sure by the end of the day, they'll have all the details they need to make a full story of it.

"I got a call from the girl's parents last night," Mum suddenly spoke up, shutting off the TV as all eyes went to her sitting form on the couch. "They want us to come in and talk with them and the principal of your school later this afternoon."

I let out an agitated groan as Leah blew out a huff of air, shooting me a sympathetic look. "That was expected, too," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest before looking back at Mum. "Are you mad?" She had yet to blow up on me over all of this, ever since she found out about it from Twitter. Of course both of my parents have a Twitter—it just becomes a bit inconvenient for me.

Mum looked at me, blue eyes meeting blue, before she let out a loud sigh and sat up. "I'm not mad."

My eyebrows raised high. "You're not?" I asked, at the same time Dad and Leah did, too. Mum not being angry at me for doing this was completely surprising—I was expecting to be grounded until I was thirty.

She pursed her lips momentarily before speaking up again. "I'm not," she repeated with a confirming nod. "Do I wish you hadn't gone all drunk frat boy on her? Absolutely." I couldn't help but snort at that. "But from what Leah told me, she spread a nasty rumor about you. And if I was your age and that happened to me, I'd do the same, if I'm being honest. Which is not exactly the best thing for a mom to say to her daughter, but it's true."

My eyes flickered to my twin, shooting her a small grateful smile, as she gave me a thumbs up whilst I heard Dad let out a snicker. "As if you'd be able to fight anyone," he stated, amusement thickly lacing his tone as he shook his head in disbelief.

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