7. Teacher Lounges & Storms

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sorry i haven't updated in an eternity. i'm hella busy with summer assignments & i'm also going away for vacation in 2 weeks for a month, so i won't really have any internet access.

this chapter was pretty long on Microsoft, so i'm pretty sure it'll appear short as hell on this, which agitates me. but here's chapter 7!


Chapter 7 – Teacher Lounges & Storms

Leah’s POV:

          “Dylan! We’re going to get in a lot of trouble – stop!”

          “Lighten up, princess, and live a little. We’re trying to survive, okay?”

          I huffed, wanting nothing more to slam his head against the door knob he was currently trying to pick. It was cold and scary and I was starving, so my patience was running extremely low and Dylan was beyond the point of pushing my buttons.

          Crossing my arms over my chest, I stood behind a crouching Dylan, waiting for him to pick the lock. How – oh, how – did I manage to get stuck in the school with this prick?

---- Half an Hour Ago ----

          Staying after school for a project wasn’t exactly my cup of my tea. Yet here I was, sitting in the back computer lab of the school library with my headphones blasting music in my ears as I typed away my stupid report for my science class. I had been here for at least an hour or so, and at five I had a photo shoot to go to but I was in no rush to leave. I wouldn’t have enough time to finish this damn report when I get home, so might as well get finished with it now.

          Everything was going great, too. I was working calmly and at my pace, my fingers flying all over the keyboard as I typed and listened to my music. I have to admit – I have some of my dad’s band’s songs and sometimes I listen to them because I’d be lying if I said the songs were amazing. As I did all of this, however, the lights went off.

          I froze, my hands pausing above the keyboard as my eyes darted all over the place. It was really dark but I could still make out some things. Quickly, I saved my work and copied it on my flash drive before gathering my bag and standing up to leave.

          As I tried to hurry out of the dark library, I bumped into what seemed like tables and chairs, and I knew I would wake up tomorrow morning with bruises on my hips as I winced each time I collided with something. Pushing the heavy library doors open, I stepped out into the school hallway; the loud slamming of the library door echoing eerily throughout the dark building.

          It was extremely quiet in the school, except for the fact that I suddenly heard thunder clash, causing me to let out a startled yelp and jump a bit. Cursing mentally, I immediately started going in the direction of the front doors and when I got there and tried to push them open, I swear I died a little inside when the doors wouldn’t budge.

          With a sigh, I took out my phone just as I heard rain pounding against the roof, and when I saw that I had no service in the building like I normally did, I really did curse out loud. “Fuck.”

          Panic started seeping through me as I realized I was literally all alone in the dark school with no signal while a freaking storm is brewing outside. It actually surprised me how there was no one here, like, at all. I thought that at least one of the office ladies or maybe even the principal stayed back for a couple extra hours, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and I was trapped in here all by myself.

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