37. Nugget Deals

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Chapter 37—Nugget Deals

Leah's POV:

"I'm totally loving the hair, sis," I commented with a grin as my sister came down the stairs in all her drowsy glory. Other than being ready for going to a photo shoot—we got an excused absence from school—Klara looked extremely tired from the jet lag she was most likely experiencing.

"Thanks," Klara replied, fingers subconsciously running through her darker hair as she opened the fridge, pulling out the orange juice bottle.

I sat on the stool by the counter, contently munching on Lucky Charms as I asked, "What time did you get in last night?"

Klara hummed in thought, pouring some of the juice in a glass as she answered, "We landed at, like, ten but then Vin and I got hungry so we went out for a late dinner."

My eyebrows shot up at her words, although spoken very casually, as Klara nonchalantly sipped on her juice. Her eyes landed on me from over the rim of her glass, furrowing her brows curiously as she lowered her glass. "You two went on a date," I couldn't help but grin, a teasing tone creeping into my voice.

My sister snorted, putting the glass in the dishwasher before turning around to face me. "You say that after we spent a whole weekend together in New York. How funny."

I let out a laugh, getting up to put my now empty bowl and spoon in the dishwasher as well. Klara stepped aside to let me do so, and once I stood up straight, I quirked a brow and asked, "Did anything, y'know, happen between you two?"

Klara rolled her eyes, walking past me as she said, "I don't kiss and tell." My eyes widened at her words as Klara paused and turned around, letting out a dramatically fake gasp as she smirked, "Oops, I think I just did."

A wide grin spread on my lips, eyebrows sky high as I let out an uncontrollable squeal and grabbed her elbow. "Shut the hell up!" I exclaimed. "You two kissed? Oh, my God!"

I don't know who was more over-the-moon about Klara and Vin kissing—them or myself. Probably me, judging by how I was acting, but I didn't care. It was a known fact that I was rooting for them so hard, even if it was just known by Klara. The two of them weren't alike at all, but in my mind, that's what would make them so good together. Opposites attract, after all.

"Hold on—who kissed?" Dad's voice suddenly sounded, and Klara and I turned our heads to see him enter the kitchen, lifting an eyebrow in curiosity.

The two of us looked at him, my lips pressing together in amusement as I glanced at my sister, who was shooting me a glare for being so loud. I tried to suppress a smile as Dad's green eyes flickered between the two of us as he waited for an answer. When Klara didn't answer, I burst out, "Klara and Vin kissed!"

"Dude!" Klara exclaimed, giving me a what-the-fuck expression with widened eyes and flailing arms, and I shot her a not-so apologetic look.

Dad looked at Klara, eyebrows rising and lips parting, before a loud sigh escaped his lips and shoulders slumped. He rubbed the back of his neck before his arm dropped to his side and he shook his head, eyes flickering up to the ceiling. "I knew nothing good would come from that trip."

I let out a giggle, covering my mouth at his exasperation as Klara chuckled as well. "We're gonna be late for the shoot," she said with a shake of her head. "Bye, Dad!"

The two of us stepped forward, each kissing either of Dad's cheeks before rushing out of the kitchen and out the door. As we got into the car, Klara scoffed, "I can't believe you told Dad that. You're such a fake friend."

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