40. Ruin

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i could only find a picture of what i want leah's outfit to be in the later part of this chapter, so there ya go. just imagine klara's the best you can :-)


Chapter 40—Ruin

Leah's POV:

The near two hour flight to Venice, Italy seem to flew by quickly, both literally and figuratively. Before I knew it, we were checking into the hotel that we were to stay at, with Klara and I in one room and Vin and Dylan in the room across the hall. Most of the family was already here, with my grandparents, Aunt Gemma, and Uncle Ashton traveling with us. All of dad's former band members and their families were arriving in the next following days, save for Uncle Louis and his family because they traveled with us.

After Klara and I had unpacked, along with hanging up our bridesmaid dresses carefully in the closet, we figured to get lunch, since it was around three in the afternoon and we were past due to eat. Unfortunately, Christy was feeling sick so she couldn't go with us. So once I quickly changed into skinny jeans and a sweater, with Klara remaining in her shorts and shirt with a jacket, the two of us exited our room and stepped across the hall to gather the boys.

Klara knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal Dylan. "You two ready to go?" my sister asked him. It was safe to say she was impatient and hungry.

Dylan nodded, stepping out but holding the door open with one arm while the other draped around my shoulders. "Vin, let's go, bud," he called into the room.

Seconds later, Vin emerged, greeting us with a smile as the door shut behind him. Together, the four of us walked down the hallway to where the elevators were, only to be stopped by Dad as he stepped out of his room. "Are you five going out?" he asked, shoving his phone in the pocket of his jacket.

"Yeah, we're gonna get lunch," I informed him.

Dad nodded in understanding before saying, "Lenny and Marc are downstairs at the hotel bar. Take at least one of them with you, okay?"

Klara huffed, clearly displeased with the idea. "C'mon, Dad, seriously?"

"Yes," he replied firmly, not backing down. His green eyes flickered to Dylan and Vin before adding, "I know you got two very capable boys with you, but I need at least a body guard with all of you just to make myself feel better."

Before letting Klara respond, I went, "Okay, Dad, we'll grab Lenny."

Dad let out a breath of relief, giving us a nod before he walked around us, passing by Dylan as he patted his shoulder in a friendly manner before walking down the hall. Once he was gone, the four of us got to where the lifts were and pressed the button to head down to the lobby, and once the doors slid open, Klara quickly headed towards the hotel bar to get Lenny, returning a few moments later with the large man trailing behind her.

With our sunglasses on to cover our eyes and a little bit of our identity, the girls and I walked out with the three men we were with, and it would probably have been a smarter idea to roam Venice in a car, but what was the fun in that? Klara and I had been here enough times to know our way around, so we stayed on foot—especially when the weather was so nice.

We made our way to one of our favorite restaurants, Ristorante Riviera, which is one that Klara and I always made a point to go to at least once whenever we were in Italy. The fact that my parents' wedding was here in Venice was amazing, with it being both my mum's and my favorite city. Walking along the cobblestone streets, the colors surrounding us, and the overall atmosphere of the pretty city made it all feel so nice. Not to mention, I was so glad that Dylan was here with me.

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