15. Good Girl & Rebel Child

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ew i cringed at that nickname ya'll don't deserve that.

my hands are freezing goddammit new jersey.



Chapter 15—Good Girl & Rebel Child

Leah’s POV:

Someone was in bed with me.

At first, my drowsy self didn’t comprehend it. But then the fact that there was an arm draped around my waist from behind me sunk in my mind, and it made my eyes widened. Slowly, I thought for a moment to figure out if I was wearing any clothes; then the fact that I was still in my outfit from last night clicked through my mind and I sighed in relief.

My head was throbbing from a killer hangover, making me groan softly as I turned. It was a bit hard to do so, since whoever’s arm it was, was heavy as shit above my frail body. But then I finally did, and my eyes widened even more at the sight of who it was exactly that was laying in my bed with me. What the actual hell?

Dylan was sound asleep next to me; dirty blonde hair flat on top of his head, lips parted slightly as he breathed softly and steadily, and blue eyes shut and shielded from the world. His cheek was resting against the pillow as he slept, and I just wondered how the fuck he ended up in my bedroom—in my bed?

But, for some strange reason, I wasn’t freaking out like I normally would. Instead, I lay next to Dylan, merely admiring him. Yeah, that might be creepy, but I couldn’t help myself. The guy was so damn attractive.

Dylan had soft, brown freckles that dotted ever so lightly over the bridge of his nose above his sun kissed skin. Huh, I never noticed them before. They were cute, contrasting with his personality yet they strangely suited him.

Slowly, ever so carefully, I lifted Dylan’s arm off of me; making sure not to wake him from his slumber. Once I successfully had it off, I rose from bed, cringing slightly at the pounding in my head. I had my socks on my feet as I padded towards the bathroom, but not before grabbing a pair of black yoga pants and a loose, light blue tee. In the bathroom, I quickly washed my cringe worthy face and brushed my teeth to get rid of the disgusting breath, before tying my hair into a bun.

When I finished, I left the bathroom and saw that Dylan was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him, I quietly walked out of the room and shut the door behind me before making my way down to the kitchen. In there, I saw my sister leaning against the counter with a glass of water in hand. She didn’t look as hungover as I did, probably because she was used to it, but she had thankfully taken off the clothes from last night and was in some shorts and a shirt.

“Morning, sunshine,” Klara grinned, setting the now empty glass of water down on the counter. “Have fun last night? I walked passed your room and saw a certain hottie in bed with you.”

A crimson heat spread through my cheeks as I opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out some Advil for my headache. “We didn’t even do anything,” I declared truthfully, filling up a glass of water for myself. “He just brought me home and we slept.”

Klara raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. “And exactly why did he stay? He could’ve just left.”

I bit my lower lip after I had gulped down the pill and water, putting the glass down as I looked back at my smug twin. “I don’t know,” I mumbled, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked away from Klara and plugged in the coffee maker to make myself some. “It was late and, um… I don’t know!”

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