You Walk In On Him Changing

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Sorry for the delay, I had a lot of homework this week, but I'm back now!

I walk the corridors of the bunker, trying to figure out where Dean is. He keeps leaving his clothes laying around the library and it's starting to get on my nerves. Lazy bastard. It doesn't register in my mind that I walk past Dean's room until I hear him grunting. What the hell? I know that when you hear someone making those noises that you steer clear, but I can't help but get a little intrigued. I slowly backtrack and peek into his room. Dean's standing there shirtless, trying to kick off his jeans but failing miserably. Oh man, does this sight look hot. But also extremely hilarious.

I run through the heavy door of mines and the Winchesters shared motel room, locking it in a hurry afterwards. I made a crucial mistake of going out without my demon knife. And now, it's only a matter of minutes before the demon arrives and tries to kill me. I back away from the door but bump into something soft yet hard. I yelp in surprise and turn around quickly, coming face to chest with the taller, surprisingly shirtless Winchester. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you" I mutter in embarrassment and turn around quickly, walking to my bag. But damn, does he look good.

I walk quietly into mines and Gabes shared bathroom with the intentions of having a relaxing shower. But as I open the wooden door, the thoughts immediately evaporate from my mind. I watch as Gabe kicks off his silk boxers to the side. Now he's standing in front of our large mirror in the way God made him. His ass is pretty sweet, I'll admit that. Our eyes lock in the mirror, a cheeky smile appearing on his face. And now I know for sure that my plans of having a relaxing shower have been thrown out of the window.

"Where's Cas?" I ask Sam, puzzled. After looking through the whole of the bunker, I still haven't found the angel. Maybe he zapped away? He shrugs and continues reading his books, not even glancing in my direction. I sigh in frustration and walk to the nearest bathroom, needing a little break. I'm done with Sam ignoring me and Cas disappearing places. As I open the door, I almost choke on my spit. Castiel's standing in the middle of the bathroom, wearing nothing but his boxers, the rest of his clothing spinning around in the washing machine. "I tried cooking something for all of you. I did not know you were not supposed to put metal in the microwave." He says, a confused look spreading across his gentle face. Only then do I register the distant smell of spaghetti.

I jog through the maze of corridors in Hell and glare at any demon that looks at me weirdly. As I burst into mines and Crowleys room, I stop and furrow my eyebrows. There are black clothes littering the red carpet of our room and he's nowhere to be seen. Great. Where the fuck is he? I close the door to the room and walk quietly to the bathroom. As I peek around the door, I find a rather weird sight. Crowley is standing in front of the mirror, admiring the member he sold his soul for all those years back. And oh boy, was it worth it.

I walk into the boys changing rooms(the place where guys get changed for gym/PE? Idk what it's called in the U.S.) not really thinking anyone would be there at this time. After all, school has finished. But as I walk in, I freeze on the spot and take in the view. A teenage boy, which I recognise as Kevin from a few of my classes, is standing in the middle of the room. He's shirtless and his face is a mixture of shock and amusement. My eyes wander down his chest, lean yet built at the same time and I can't help but get this feeling in my stomach. As he clears his throat, I get snapped out of my thoughts and excuse myself, running out of there as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog.

Maybe going to our camping lodge on the rainy weekend wasn't the best of ideas, but we did it anyway. And here we are, drenched to our bones with our teeth chattering like mad. I glare at the tall idiot and walk to the fireplace, throwing some logs in to make a fire. Once I get a decent fire burning, I turn around and meet with the almost naked Lucifer, smirking at me. Oh boy.

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