He Meets Your Family

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Sort of had to make up some family members so I guess just go along with it...?

"Stop fiddling, Dean. I'm sure they'll love you. I don't understand why they wouldn't." I reassure him for the third time as we walk up to my parents house. We're ten minutes early for the dinner because he says it's better being early than being late. I knock on the door and smile at him. I'm sure they'll love him. The door opens to reveal my smiling mom. "I'm so glad you two could make it!" She exclaims and pulls both of us into a hug. Dean looks at me in surprise. "Now, c'mon! Dinner's ready." She says, pushing us into the warm house filled with too many green plants.

"It's just a family dinner, Sam. Don't fuss about it too much" I whisper to him as we get out of the impala. Dean was oh so nice and refused to give us the impala. Let's see how long it's going to take him to get out of the seat I tied him to. "I know, I just don't want them to hate me" he gives me a nervous smile. The door swings open before I even manage to knock on it. "Aunt (Y/N)! Aunt (Y/N)! You're here!" the four year old boy shouts and comes running at me full speed, before jumping into my arms. I spin him around and he giggles, making Sam chuckle. Once I set him down, his eyes land on Sam. "Aunt (Y/N)? Who's this? He's sooooo tall!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up and looking at Sam with curious little eyes. I watch as Sam bends down, still towering over the little boy, and smiles at him warmly. "I'm Sam, and who are you?" The small boy smiles, showing off his two missing teeth. "I'm Tommy. C'mon Uncle Sam! I'll show you my room!" He exclaims and starts pulling Sam into the house.

"Don't talk about sex. Don't talk about drugs or alcohol or violence and such. And don't, for the ever loving love of god, mention how we met" I remind him one last time as we hang our coats on the hanger. He salutes me and takes my hand in his. "Ah! (Y/N)! You finally brought that boyfriend of yours you've been talking about!" My sister exclaims cheerfully and envelops the two of us in her tight hug. "Let's go. Dad's just finished making dinner." We follow Emily to the table with enough food to feed a small army. As we take a seat, my mom pops the question I was so afraid of being asked. "How did you guys meet?" My eyes widen a fraction. Well shit.

I walk beside Cas, admiring the sunny day and the way the birds sing in the park. As we walk past the children's play area full of little kids, I hear a delighted squeel and soon feel a pair of small arms wrap around my leg. Oh. I look down to see my little niece Aimee, smiling at me. "Hello, dear! Where's mommy?" I bend down and ask her, kissing her forehead softly. She giggles and points across the park. "Who is this?" She asks, pointing to Castiel. He looks down at her curiously. "Honey this is my boyfriend, Castiel. Be nice to him" she takes a tentative step towards him and looks him over curiously. All of a sudden, she smiles a big smile and hugs Cas's leg.

"Dad, this is Crowley. Crowley, this is my dad Mark. I'll be in the kitchen helping mom with the food." I say a little uneasy, smiling at them both. It was his idea to meet my parents after a year of us dating. I hope he does well with my dad... "So, honey. How long have you two been seeing eachother?" My mom asks, handing me some butter for the toasts. I smile at her and start buttering. "A year now. He's so... Intricate. Different. I feel like each day we spend together, I learn something new about him that I didn't know before. He makes me so happy I can't even form a proper sentence that describes it well enough..." I trail off, smiling at my mom as a look of happiness spreads across her face. "That's lovely dear. I'm so happy for you. Let's take the food through" I nod and grab three plates, carrying them through to the warm dining room. I take in the atmosphere and see that my dad's laughing and Crowley has a smug smile on his face. That's a good sign. As I set down the plate with his food, I kiss his cheek tenderly and whisper a quiet  'thank you'.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" I hear an old raspy voice from behind me. I furrow my eyebrows and turn around to see that it's my granny squinting at me. Shouldn't she be at home? I smile and step forward to wrap my arms around her. "Hey gran, nice to see you! This is my boyfriend Kevin" I smile and motion to Kevin who's standing next to us awkwardly. Her eyes widen and a huge smile spreads across her face. She pulls him into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm so happy to finally meet you, Kevin!" She exclaims and pulls away, smiling at the two of us.

"Well, how did you two meet?" My older brother asks, taking a bite of his piece of bread with a challenging grin. He's always been an annoying asshole. My eyes widen and I look at Luci with worry in my eyes. We'll have to make something up. There's no way we can tell them that my uncle, Bobby, sent me to kill Lucifer and that's how we met. Jesus Christ they don't even know about Bobby hunting! "We... We uh..." I struggle a little, my hand starting to sweat in his under the table. "We met at a concert" he says calmly, squeezing my clammy hand.

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