You Hear Him Talking About You

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I go to walk into the bunkers kitchen, but stop when I hear Dean speaking to his brother. Now, I'm not the one to eavesdrop, but... "And then she just went crazy. Like, throw her in an asylum crazy. But she bought me apple pie afterwards, so that kind of balances it out" Dean says, earning a chuckle from Sam. Well, that's what I get for eavesdropping, I guess...

"I think I'm ready to ask her." I overhear Sam say as I walk past one of the bunkers many bathrooms. I stop in my tracks and press my ear against the wooden door. "-to marry me" I hear, but the first part was muffled. If this is what I think it's about... Holy fuck!

I'm away to walk into mines and Gabes livingroom, but I stop immediately when I hear Balthazars voice. Not that I dislike him, it's just that he's a romantic person and flirts a lot. Not in the creepy way like Gabe does though. "Care to give me some details, brother?" He asks and I hear a gulping noise. Oh god, Balth and his fucking wine. I press myself against the cold wall so they don't see me, and start listening like the rude ass I am. "Oh, she does this thing with her tongue, and it's pretty hot. She licks down my neck and down my-" he doesn't get to finish that sentence as I barge into the room and smile at him falsely. "Hi Gabe. Hello Balthazar. What seems to be the topic of discussion?"

"So, have you gotten any action with (Y/N) lately?" I hear Dean ask Castiel as I'm away to walk out of our bathroom. But I stop short of the door and furrow my eyebrows at Dean's odd question. "What do you mean, Dean?" I hear Cas ask, and at that moment I open the door a crack so I can see what's going on. Castiel has cocked his head to the side in confusion and Dean is grining like a horndog. "Y'know. Done the dirty? Shaken the bed?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow with a never faltering smirk. "Dean, do you mean-" he starts to understand, so I quickly step out of the bathroom, clutching the towel to my wet body. "Hey Cas, I though you were gonna join me?" I ask, standing next to the angel. Dean just smirks and mutters something about Cas getting some and leaves the room.

As I'm away to walk into mines and Crowleys room, Ash, the demon that guards outside of our room, stops me. "I wouldn't go there if I were you, miss. His highness has a visit from mummy dearest" the demon chuckles, pointing behind him at the door. I look at him strangely and press my ear against the door, earning a proud smile from Ash. He's pretty obedient and sassy, if you ask me. "-throw her out! I'm your mother, dear. I know what's best for you" I hear Rowena plead with Crowley, to which I can almost see Crowley roll his eyes. No surprise that they're arguing over me. Again. "No, (Y/N) is staying." Crowley says calmly. I feel someone nudge me, and I look around to see Ash handing me a bag of popcorn. He's fucking great.

"Yeah- yes mom. No, we're good. I will. Yes, I'll tell (Y/N) you said hi. Yes, she's doing good. Mom, no. No grandchildren. Please stop. I'm serious mom. Yes, I'll tell her to call you later. Of course. Mom, okay bye. Yeah, I'll see you soon. Love you too. Bye. Yes, bye." I hear Kevin talking on the phone in our room and the conversation makes me crack up into fits of laughter.

"Are you sure (Y/N)'s the one?" I hear an unfamiliar voice asks. I furrow my eyebrows, but remain on the sofa with my eyes closed. Last time I opened my eyes, Luci was sitting opposite me on his armchair, watching TV. "Yeah. I'm sure. I don't think I've ever loved someone this much. Not even our father." Lucifer says quietly. I peak my eye open and see that he is, in fact, talking to Castiel. Did he really just say that?

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