Do I Wanna Know?

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*Sam, Dean and Crowley see you torturing someone for the first time*

"Sam, let me try" I snap at the younger Winchester and push him aside, taking in the slumped figure in front of me. They're tied to the seat in the middle of a demon trap, but I can tell they're just human.

I've been hearing shouting from this basement all day, and even Crowley is here, but I guess this person is hard to crack. Props to them. But now it's my turn. And oh, will I crack them open like a walnut.

"(Y/N) I really don't think this is-" Dean starts to protest as I come to a stop next to him and the King of Hell. Oh c'mon. I'm more than capable.

"Dean, you guys have been trying to get whatever you need out of this poor bitch all day and so far, what do you have? Nothing. Let me try" I say and from the corner of my eye, I can see Crowley smirk. He obviously likes the fact that I'm taking things into my own hands. Probably also liking the fact that I'm arguing with the brothers and that I'm about to torture someone.

Sam and Dean look at each other skeptically, but then nod for me to go ahead. I haven't done this in a long time, but I guess it's time to brush up.

"Get me a set of pliers, a scalpel, a lemon and a spoon." I talk directly to Sam, knowing that he'll get the things faster. The two boys look at me suspiciously, as if wondering what I have in mind. Oh, there's a lot of that believe me.

I turn back to the girl, taking in her appearance. She has short blonde hair, face coated with so much blood that it's hard to make out her features, and she's wearing a long blue dress that's stained with her blood. She looks to be in great pain.

"Just what exactly are you planning on doing?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow. Crowley seems to be interested in this topic of conversation, as he turns to me with raised eyebrows too.

"Dean, so far all you've done is beat her up like a sack of potatoes and threaten her. Step your game up." I tell him, hearing an approving grunt from Crowley. Well, he's a demon so he ought to agree with me afflicting pain on others.

"Here's all the... stuff you request." Sam comes in, placing all the items on a metal table. I survey them, picking the method. I watch a lot of CSI...

I pick up the scalpel, not questioning why we even have it, and walk towards the girl. She looks up at me, teeth already gritted and ready for what's to come.

I slice down her arm, hearing her breathe a little harder as she holds her scream in. I pick up the lemon. Using the scalpel, I slice it in half and place the other half down. "Clever" Crowley says, chuckling behind me. The boys finally get what I'm doing.

I walk towards her and look at her with a smirk. "Wanna tell the boys what they want to know, Hun?" I ask her, smiling for the effect. Her expression is the one of hatred.

"Bite me." She growls. Oh, she's getting it. But like, what do the guys even need to know? I squeeze the lemon above the open cut, and smirk as she screams pretty loudly. Louder than I heard her scream in while the boys were beating her. Maybe if I keep doing this she'll snap and tell them what they want? Nah. Time to use the pliers.

I look back at the boys, seeing them a little shocked and maybe even a little confused. I pick up the silver pliers and turn back around to the girl. This one is going to hurt like a morherfucker.

I walk to the chair again and grip her hand tightly, positioning one of the joints on her pinky fingers between the pliers. She tries to pull away, but I have a pretty good hold on her.

"Last chance to sing like a canary" I warn her, to which she just clenches her eyes shut. Well, don't say I didn't warn you...

I tighten the grip on the pliers and twist up in one swift move, hearing the crunching of the bone and her scream at the same time. It's really unpleasant.

"Alright! Alright." She yells out, sweat covering her forehead. Surprisingly, she isn't crying yet. Well, at least I don't have to gauge out her eyes. That would be brutal and something that would haunt me for a long time to come.

I place the pliers on the table and raise an eyebrow at the three men. Well, she's gonna tell them what they want now.

Sam looks like he just witnessed the Jess incident over again, Dean looks like he just seen his mom and dad going at it and Crowley looks strangely proud. But of course, I was predicting that already.

"Well, go get her tiger." I wink at Dean. The brothers will no doubt be a little freaked out for a while to come, but hey, at least I got further in ten minutes than they did in the past seven hours.

"I'm not even going to ask where you learned that." Dean grumbles, walking towards the shaking woman.

Sam follows suit, leaving me and Crowley alone. He's got an impressed smirk on his face and his hands are clasped behind his back. "You know, I could use you down in hell. Feel free to pop down anytime, darling" he says, before walking past to the Winchesters.

Wait. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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