The Movie You Watch Together

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Dean- Back to the Future
Doesn't matter which one, as you both love all of them too much to pick just one.

Sam- Game of Thrones
He prefers TV Shows over movies, and Emilia Clarke does happen to be his favourite actress...

Charlie- Harry Potter
All of them without a doubt. You won't go to sleep unless you've watched them all. No breaks allowed but bathroom breaks.

Gabriel- Scary Movie
You two always laugh at the obscene things the actors do, as it is a parody movie. Although he prefers the third one.

Crowley- The Conjouring
He enjoys the way you get scared at some points, snuggling into his chest to protect yourself from the horrors happening on the screen.

Castiel- Love Actually
It's the first movie he's ever seen, and he also knows you like Thomas Brodie-Sangster, so the movie's enjoyable for both of you.

Kevin- Terminator 2- Judgement Day
His and yours favourite movie of all time. Mainly because of the action and the quotable one liners delivered by none other that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself.

Lucifer- Grown Ups
He loves a good laugh with you while snuggling on the sofa, eating popcorn.

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