Death Note

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*spoilers for the anime Death Note*
*You watch an anime with the Winchesters for the first time*

"But please! It is my turn to plan today's day off!" I whine, looking at the two Winchesters pleadingly. It's rare that we have any days off hunting or doing research and last time Dean chose that we binge watch Star Trek. The month before, Sam chose to have a marathon of Game Of Thrones. I, of course, didn't protest.

"No, (Y/N). I am not going to stay awake all night to watch another TV show or something." Sam argues, but deep down he knows he's already lost this argument. He always does.

"Oh, but you don't mind staying awake for nights at a time to read your stupid lore books, right? And don't bother saying that you were doing something 'important'. Now, get ready. The sooner we start the better." I mock him, which quickly turns into growling. Not today, Sammy. I'm surprised Dean hasn't argued with me much.

The two hunters sigh in defeat and sit down on the red sofa in the little 'TV room' Charlie set up for us. I quickly search through Netflix and find the anime and play the first episode. I've been wanting to watch 'Death Note' for a long time. And finally, here's my chance. There's no way I'm going to miss it.

I plop down between the two famous hunters which have been to hell and back and grab a handful of popcorn from Dean's bowl, shoving it in my mouth.

"Wait. Is this hentai porn? Y'know (Y/N), if you ever feel lonely all you have to do is stop by my room." Dean winks at me as a shit-eating grin grin finds itself onto his lips, accompanied by Sam groaning in annoyance.

"Dean, it's anime. Now shut up and watch or I'll burn your stash of porn magazines and stop buying you pie." I moan in exasperation and turn back to the laptop set on top of the black coffe table. Next to me, Sam chuckles softly which spreads a warm feeling throughout my stomach.


~skip to L's death~

The pale, black haired detective falls off the spiny chair, clutching his chest in pain. A heart attack. Nah. Get up bitch, you're fine. Youre alive and... You're... Fine...

"L!" I yell as a single tear falls down my cheek. I clutch onto Sams arm tighter, holding him in a death grip. Why on earth did Lawliet have to be killed? He was my favourite, damn it! Fuck you Light.

The salty tear dries up on my warm cheek as the episodes go by quicker than I'd like. But that's why you get when each episode only lasts twenty minutes. And there's only two seasons...

Sam's hand doesn't leave its place around my stiff shoulders throughout the episodes, obviously trying to comfort me. We watch as Lights life fades and Ryuk writes his name into his Death Note. The end.

I let out a dying whale noise and burry my head into Sam's chest. Kira's dead. But so is L. I hate finishing shows because the characters won't be developed any further and there will be no more episodes. Well, there's fanfiction... But I'll miss singing along to the foreign theme song...

"Okay, that wasn't Hentai porn." Dean mutters, exiting the small room and leaving me alone with Sam. I stand up too, leaving the comfiness of the mooses chest behind.
Damn it, (Y/N). Pull I together.

"You okay?" Sam asks softly, looking up with his concerned puppy eyes. It's adorable. He's adorable. A cute dork. But seriously. What a question, Sam the genius. Went to Stanford, yet he's still so clueless.

"Yes, Sam. Of course I am. They killed off my favourite character. I'm freaking peachy!" my voice gets louder and louder until I'm at the point of basicaly yelling. Gotta get the anger out now so I don't do anything reckless on our next hunt. That would be unacceptable and possibly deadly.

"You know what? I'm gonna sell my soul to Crowley. I don't know if it'll bring back L, but I know this for a fact. He. Isn't. Dead." I growl the last part and make a movement for the door, only to get blocked by the tall moose. Of course he'd try to stop me. He did it before as well. Countless times, to be honest.

"Calm down, (Y/N). This happened with other characters as well. Remember? Now, let's go get some ice cream and look up fan art on that Tumbler thing that you mess up your sleeping schedule with.' He soothes me and wraps his arms around my frame warmly.

Thank god he knows how to deal with my shit. And to be perfectly honest, I think I'm starting to catch feelings for Sam... Pretty strong ones to be honest.

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