Chapter 1

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River Pov.
I turned on the TV to see it was the fourth year anniversary of the stolen girl.

The stolen girl was a ten year old child named Lana who was taken from a car crash. Her Dad died in the crash and her Mum suffered from amnesia and didn't even know who Lana was and her mother continues to this day to deny she was ever her daughter.

People think she could have just died in the crash and maybe got thrown out the window from impact when the car crashed, but police say that it was impossible with the evidence they had. There were plenty of photos of her and she was such a beautiful, young girl. People would always compare me to her saying I looked exactly like her but I couldn't see it.

She had bright blonde hair with green eyes and I had dark brown hair with hazel eyes.

There was a big festival tonight as there was every year tonight hosted by the council. There would be so much rides and Cotten candy and at midnight the fireworks would go off and the very last fire work would spell out her name "Lana" .

I think the council always did this every year because they felt sorry for the little girl never being found and her mother not having a clue who she was.

I know it's a horrible thing to say but I always assumed Lana was dead.

"I told you not to watch stuff like that you little fucker." Kian jumped on me snatching the remote from my hand, I laughed out as he tackled me off of the couch. He stopped and changed the channel as I sat in silence.

"Kian?" I questioned.

He looked at me waiting for me to continue.

"Why didn't my parents want me?" I had no real memories of my parents. I was found on the doorstep of an adoption home at the age of ten and a few days later I was adopted by O2L.

"Hey, who cares? you have us now" he smiled, "but what the fuck? Let's talk about that outfit.. Are you going like that?" I laughed at Kian trying to act like a real dad.

"Kian I'm fourteen years old, I'm fine." I got up and started to walk away but stopped and turned around to look at Kian, "You are all going to be great parents with your own kids." he smiled and I walked off to my room looking in the mirror.

I was wearing a cute black crop top that Andrea had given me. I also had plain black high wasted jeans on with black boots. I decided to grab out a red cardigan to add some colour to my outfit.

I walked down stairs and was greeted by Jc's smile.

His smile started to fade when he looked at my outfit. Kian walked pass looking at Jc, "Don't bother, Already tried" then Kian walked off.

Jc nodded and continued to look at me, "You look gorgeous."

I gave him a faint smile as I passed him and walked back to the lounge. I turned the TV back onto see that channel after channel was just about Lana.


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