Chapter 11

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River Pov.
I walked up to Maggie and tapped her on the back lightly.

She turned around and immediately hugged me when she saw it was me.

"I'm so sorry about before!" She spoke still hugging me really tightly.

"No, I'm sorry! I hate when we fight." I said pulling back.

She nodded.

"You need to talk to Hayes.. He's really shaken up." I tried to pretend I didn't hear Maggie and started to take off the jumper I had put on earlier in the bathroom so I was just wearing my swimmers.

"Don't act dumb I know you heard." I rolled my eyes at her comment and she hurried me off to go find Hayes in the pool.

I could see him leaning against the side of the pool.

I got in and made my way towards him.

"River!" He swam the rest of the way to get up to me when he saw me.

I resisted from his touch.

He then started to get mad.

"River! I don't know what I've done!"

Honestly I didn't know what he did either.

He looked to my neck.

"Where is it?" He looked into my eyes as I looked deep into his blue eyes.

I stuttered to talk.

He interrupted, "You know what?" he started taking off his necklace. "Once you know what the fuck I've done, then you can come and find me!" He threw the necklace out of the pool and swam off.

Even though no one had been watching everything, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I got out of the pool and picked up the necklace running into the house looking for Maggie.

I couldn't find her and and tears were pouring out of my eyes.

I could feel it was getting harder to breathe again when all of a sudden I was grabbed ahold of by my shoulders.

I looked up to see Jack Johnson.

"Are you okay?" He pulled me into a hug.

Jack always made me feel better even by the slightest touch.

He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to my room closing the door behind us.

I looked at the necklace that had still be thrown on the floor from earlier and looked at the one I was holding.

Jack knew what was going on.

He hugged me in his arms as I held my head against his chest.

"You know Hayes would never treat you right." he spoke and I pulled back.

I was always constatly told that Jack liked me. I never believed it because I never wanted to wreck our friendship.

"I think I lov-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"You can't love him River.. With him he only cares about himself."

I didn't say anything.

"Let's go back to the party.. Just come hang out with me." he pulled me into a hug and then pulled back grabbing my hand and walking back down to the party.

I left my room with Jack.

Without the necklaces.

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